Насилствено налагане на исляма или няма принуда в религията (2:256)?: Разлика между версии

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Ред 148: Ред 148:
И Аллах е източникът на сила.}}
И Аллах е източникът на сила.}}

{{Quote|1=[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b-Pjo9XgGw&feature=player_embedded Ahadith an-nihaya]<BR>Shaykh Muhammad Hassan on the Egyptian satellite station al-Nas|2='''The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “It is not permissible (to shed) the blood of a Muslim who witnesses that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah, except for one of the following three conditions''': (First), the life for the life…” This means the killer is killed. But you are not the one who kills him, and neither am I the one who kills him. But the competent legal authority is the one who is responsible for this. Otherwise, Muslim society would descend into chaos, with everyone killing whomever he wanted whenever he wanted. No—blood is sacred; blood is sacred. “It is not permissible (to shed) the blood of a Muslim who witnesses that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah, except under three conditions: (First), the life for the life…” The Almighty said: “In the law of equality there is (saving of) life to you, o ye men of understanding” (Qur’an 2:179). “In the law of equality there is (saving of) life to you, o ye men of understanding.” “The life for the life”—the killer is killed. The punishment of Almighty Allah is carried out upon him.  
{{Quote|1=[http://kitaabun.com/shopping3/product_info.php?products_id=168 Тафсир Ал-Куртуби: Класически коментар на Свещения Коран В.1]<BR>Превод от Аиша Биулей, Дар Ал-Такуа, 2003г., стр.659-661|2=Учените не са съгласни и имат различни позиции относно правния статут и значението на този аят.

“(Second), the married person who commits adultery”—I will return to him (later) Allah-willing, in another of the signs.  
• '''Казва се, че ''то е отменено, защото Пророкът е принудил арабите да приемат шума на исляма и се е борил с тях и е бил доволен само от исляма за тях''. Сюлейман ибн Муса зае мнението, като каза: „Това е отменено от „О, Пророк! Правете джихад срещу невярващите и лицемерите.“ (9:73)“ Това се предава от Ибн Масуд и много коментатори.
• '''Не е отменено и е изпратено по-специално за хората от Писанието и означава, че те не са принудени да приемат исляма, когато плащат джизие. Принудените са идолопоклонниците. От тях се приема само ислямът и те са тези, за които ‘О, Пророче! Правете джихад срещу невярващите и лицемерите.’ (9:73) беше разкрит.''' Това е позицията на аш-Шаби, Катада, ал-Хасан и ад-Даххак. Доказателствата за тази позиция са разказани от Зейд ибн Аслам от неговия баща, „Чух Умар в ал-Хатаб да казва на една стара християнка: „Стани мюсюлманка, стара жено, стани мюсюлманка. Аллах изпрати Мохамед с Истината.“ Тя. отговори: „Аз съм стара жена и съм близо до смъртта.“ „Умар каза: „О, Аллах, свидетел!“ и той рецитира: „Няма принуда, що се отнася до шума.“

“(Third), the one who abandons his religion, and separates himself from the community.” The hadith is in both of the Sahihs (i.e. Bukhari and Muslim). “The one who abandons his religion, and separates himself from the community.” '''Islam does not compel anyone to enter it. This (concept) needs to be firmly established. Islam does not compel anyone to enter it. No. There is no compulsion in religion. But rather we preach (Islam) in truth, mercy, propriety, and humility. Whoever says after the preaching—whoever says after (receiving) the preaching and the call (to Islam), “No, I will not enter this religion.” We say to him, “There is no compulsion in religion.''' Truth stands out clear from error. We recite the saying of Almighty Allah, “Let him who will believe, and let him who will disbelieve” (Qur’an 18:29). We recite the saying of Allah Almighty, “You have your religion and I have my religion” (Qur’an 109:6). Beautiful. This is after the preaching and the call (to Islam).  
'''Абу Дауд съобщава от Ибн Аббас, че това е разкрито за ансарите. Имаше една жена, чиито деца бяха умрели. Тя се закле, че ако има дете, което оживее, ще стане еврейка. Когато Банун-Надир бяха заточени, сред тях бяха много от децата на Ансарите. Те казаха: "Няма да оставим синовете си!" Тогава Аллах разкри това. Един вариант гласи: „Ние направихме това, което направихме, и смятаме, че техният шум е по-добър от това, което имаме“. Когато Аллах донесе исляма, те го отрекоха и това беше разкрито. Който искаше, оставаше при тях и който искаше, влизаше в исляма.''' Това е позицията на Саид ибн Джубайр, аш-Шаби и Муджахид, но той добави, че причината, поради която са били с Банун-Надир, е чрез кърмене. Ан-Наххас каза: „Позицията на Ибн Аббас по отношение на този аят е най-добрата позиция, тъй като неговият иснад е здрав.

'''But if he enters Islam of his own free will and choice, he does not have the right to leave the religion of Allah whenever he wants, to shake the foundations of Muslim society. No, he does not have the right. Absolutely not. But he does have the right, after having (Islam) preached to him, to say, “I will enter” or “I will not enter this religion.” But to enter it just to leave it whenever he wants? No. This is something which is unacceptable in the religion of Almighty Allah.''' Show me a constitution anywhere on earth which grants this for its citizens. But rather whoever comes out against the constitution of any nation is accused of treason. Everyone familiar with treason knows that the penalty is death. So what do you think about the one who betrays the religion of Allah Almighty, the one who betrays Allah and His Messenger? “O ye who believe! Do not betray Allah and His Messenger, nor knowingly betray your trusts” (Qur’an 8:27).}}
• Ас-Суди каза, че аятът е разкрит за човек от ансарите на име Абу Хусейн, който имал двама сина. Някои търговци дойдоха от Сирия в Мадина с масло и когато искаха да си тръгнат, синовете му отидоха при тях. Те поканиха двамата сина да станат християни и те го направиха и се върнаха с тях в Сирия. Баща им отишъл при Пратеника на Аллах, за да се оплаче от това и помолил Пратеника на Аллах да изпрати някой да ги върне. След това беше разкрито „Няма принуда, що се отнася до шума“. Не му беше заповядано да се бие с хората на Писанието. Той каза: "Аллах ги постави далеч. Те са първите, които не вярват." Абул-Хусайн се раздразни, че Пророкът не изпрати някого след тях. Тогава Аллах низпосла: „Не, кълна се в твоя Господ, те не са вярващи, докато не те направят техен съдия в споровете, които избухват между тях” (4:65). '''Тогава "Без принуда" беше отменено и му беше заповядано да се бие с хората на Писанието в Сурат ат-Тауба(9 Сура/Глава на Корана)'''. Здравият изглед за причината зад думите „Не, кълна се в твоя Господ, те не са вярващи...“ е хадисът на аз-Зубайр с неговия християнски съсед за водата, както ще бъде разгледано в Сурат ат-Тауба, с волята на Аллах.

{{Quote|1=[http://kitaabun.com/shopping3/product_info.php?products_id=168 Tafsir Al-Qurtubi: Classical Commentary of the Holy Qur'an V.1]<BR>Translated by Aisha Bewley,Dar Al-Taqwa Ltd., 2003, pp. 659-661|2=Scholars disagree and hold various positions regarding the legal status and meaning of this ayat.
• Казано е, че това означава „не наричай онези, които са се покорили през меча, принудени и принудени“.

It is said that '''it is abrogated because the Prophet forced the Arabs to adopt the din of Islam and fought them and was only pleased with Islam for them'''. Sulayman ibn Musa took the view, saying, "It is abrogated by ‘O Prophet! Do jihad against the unbelievers and the hypocrites.’ (9:73)" That is related from Ibn Mas‘ud and many commentators.
Казва се, че се разказва за пленниците, които са били хора на Писанието. Те не са принудени, когато са възрастни. '''Ако са магьосници, млади или стари, или идолопоклонници, те са принудени да приемат исляма, защото тяхното пленничество не им помага, когато са идолопоклонници'''. Не виждате ли, че техните жертви не се ядат, нито жените им се омъжват. Това е, което Ибн ал-Касим съобщава от Малик. Ашхаб каза, че се смята, че децата имат шума на тези, които са ги заловили. Ако откажат това, те са принудени да станат мюсюлмани.'' Децата нямат дин и затова са принудени да приемат исляма, за да не ходят на фалшив дин''. '''Когато други видове невярващи плащат джизие, те са принудени да станат мюсюлмани'', независимо дали са араби или не-араби, курайши или други. Това ще бъде разгледано в Сурат ат-Тауба(9 Сура/Глава на Корана).}}
• It is not abrogated and was sent down about the people of the Book in particular and means that '''they are not forced to adopt Islam when they pay jizya. Those who are forced are the idolaters'''. Only Islam is accepted from them, and they are the ones about whom ‘O Prophet! Do Jihad against the unbelievers and the hypocrites.’ (9:73) was revealed. This is the position of ash-Sha‘bi, Qatada, al-Hasan and ad-Dahhak. The evidence for this position is related by Zayd ibn Aslam from his father, "I heard ‘Umar in al-Khattab say to an old Christian woman, ‘Become Muslim, old woman, become Muslim. Allah sent Muhammad with the Truth.’ She replied, ‘I am an old woman and close to death.’ ‘Umar said, ‘O Allah, witness!’ and he recited, ‘There is no compulsion where the din is concerned.’"
• Abu Dawud reported from Ibn ‘Abbas that this was revealed about the Ansar. There was a woman, all of whose children had died. She made a vow that if she had a child who lived she would become a Jew. When the Banu’n-Nadir were exiled, among them were many of the children of the Ansar. They said, "We will not leave our sons!" Then Allah revealed this. One variant has, "We did what we did and we think that their din is better than what we have." When Allah brought Islam, they denied it and this was revealed. Whoever wished remained with them and whoever wished, entered Islam. This is the position of Sa‘id ibn Jubayr, ash-Sha‘bi and Mujahid, but he added that the reason that they were with the Banu’n-Nadir was through suckling. An-Nahhas said, "The position of Ibn ‘Abbas regarding this ayat is the best position since its isnad is sound."
• As-Suddi said that the ayat was revealed about a man of the Ansar called Abu Husayn who had two sons. Some merchants came from Syria to Madina with oil and when they wanted to leave, his sons went to them. They invited the two sons to become Christians and they did so and went back with them to Syria. Their father went to the Messenger of Allah to complain about this and asked the Messenger of Allah to send someone to bring them back. Then, "There is no compulsion where the din is concerned" was revealed. He had not been commanded to fight the People of the Book. He said, "Allah has put them far. They are the first to disbelieve." Abu’l-Husayn felt annoyed that the Prophet did not send someone after them. Then Allah revealed, "No, by your Lord, they are not believers until they make you their judge in the disputes that break out between them" (4:65). '''Then "No compulsion" was abrogated and he was commanded to fight the People of the Book in Surat at-Tawba'''. The sound view for the reason behind the words, "No, by your Lord, they are not believers …" is the hadith of az-Zubayr with his Christian neighbour about water as will be dealt with in Surat at-Tawba, Allah willing.
• It is said that it means "do not call those who have submitted through the sword compelled and forced".
• It is said that it was related about the captives who were People of the Book. They are not compelled when they are adults. '''If they are Magians, young or old, or idolaters, they are compelled to adopt Islam because their captivity does not help them when they are idolaters'''. Do you not see that their sacrifices are not eaten nor their women married. That is what Ibn al-Qasim reported from Malik. Ashhab said that children are considered to have the din of those who captured them. If they refuse that, they are compelled to become Muslim.''' Children have no din and that is why they are compelled to enter Islam so that they do not go to a false din'''. '''When other types of unbelievers pay the jizya, they are forced to become Muslim''', whether they are Arabs or non-Arabs, Quraysh or otherwise. This will be dealt with in Surat at-Tawba.}}

==See Also==
==See Also==