Опровержение на "Стъклената къща на ислямофоба"

Този материал е опровержение на статията "Стъкленият дом на ислямофоба: опровержение на твърдението, че Пророкът Мухаммад е бил педофил" от Ибн ал-Хашими.


На пръв поглед се забелязва, че авторът привлича вниманието на читателя, като използва етикета „ислямофоб“ за човек, който твърди, че Мухаммад е бил педофил. Вместо да се спираме върху логическите заблуди, необходими за изказване на подобно твърдение, нека да продължим напред към Опровержението, което се занимава със самите ислямофоби.

Авторът обяснява нататък, че повечето ислямофоби са юдеи и християни. И така, когато се прочете следната декларация:

Сражавайте се с онези от дарените с Писанието, които не вярват в Аллах и в Сетния ден, и не възбраняват онова, което Аллах и Неговият Пратеник са възбранили, и не изповядват правата вяра - докато не дадат налога джизя безусловно и с покорство.
Коран 9:29

Дали е наистина разумно да окачествим един християнин или юдеин, изплашен от идеологията, проповядваща такива неща, като „ислямофоб“? Страхът от исляма за християнина или юдеина е оправдан и не влиза в категорията „фобия“ , като имаме предвид дългата история на преследване срещу юдеи и християни в ислямските страни, която доказва несигурното положение на Хората на Писанието, намиращи се под Шариата.

В статията си авторът нататък признава факта, че само една малка част от юдеите и християните са ислямофоби, като лъкатуши по кораничните възгледи за Хората на Писанието. Все пак читателят ще забележи, че целта на книгата няма да бъдат атеистите, секуларистите, хуманистите и т.н, но всъщност тя ще бъде насочена срещу юдеите и християните.

Начало на логическите заблуди

В увода със заглавие „Стъкленият дом“ авторът разкрива, че първият начин, по който ще докаже, че Мухаммад не е бил педофил, е като приложи логическата заблуда Ad hominem и tu quoque (“ти също“). Неговото първо твърдение е, че юдейският закон позволява на мъжа да се ожени за 3-годишно момиченце, а християнският закон позволява на мъжа да се ожени за 7-годишно момиче. Без значение какви са историческите факти, не е логично да държим съвременните християни и юдеи отговорни за действията на хората, наричащи себе си християни или юдеи преди стотици години.

Авторът е пропуснал да направи разлика между юдейския народ като нация и религята, позната като юдаизъм. В съвременната практика понятие като „юдейски закон“ не съществува. Държавата Израел не е включила Тората или Талмуда в своето правораздаване. Един човек може да бъде езичник и в същото време да практикува юдаизма. Свещените писания на юдаизма са събрани в Танак (познати като Стария Завет за християните). Никъде в тези писания не са описани, нито пък толерирани педофилските отношения. Равинските коментари са събрани в Талмуда; все пак тези писания не се смятат като записано слово на Бога. Дори ако педофилските отношения са описани или толерирани в Талмуда, това не означава, че тези неща трябва да бъдат приемливи за юдеите. Авторите на Талмуда не биват смятани за „най-добрите примери на човечеството“, а никъде в писанията не е заповядано на юдеите да им се покоряват и да следват техния начин на живот или учения.

Няма подобно нещо и като „християнски закон“. Християнството никога не е имало намерението да бъде политическа идеология или да бъде налагано като държавен закон. Всъщност най-ранните християнски писания са поучавали християните да се подчиняват на установеното законодателство на местната власт (т.е. на Римската империя). Всичките предпоставки на автора са нелогични. Само защото в историята има една група от хора , които са следвали определена религия, позволяваща браковете с деца, това не означава, че подобни практики могат да бъдат приписани въобще на всички религии. Той се позовава на няколко логически заблуди като объркване на причина и следствие, позоваване на авторитет и генерализиране, да не говорим, че в крайна сметка цялата аргументация на книгата е ad hominem.

Интересно е да отбележим, че авторът насочва вниманието ни върху Мария, майката на Иисус, и Йосиф. Като се позовава на неканонични (непризнати като християнски) писания от 2 в. сл. Хр., авторът твърди, че Мария е била на 13 години, когато е била сгодена за 90-годишния Йосиф. Разбира се авторът е забравил да спомене, че за разлика от Йосиф, доказателствата за педофилията на Мухаммад могат да бъдат намерени в достоверните (сахих) ислямски източници като Бухари и Муслим (над чиито авторитет като надеждност е единствено Коранът - поне за 90% от мюсюлманите), а за разлика от Мухаммад, Йосиф не се смята за „усуа хасана“ (съвършеният човек). Моралният образ на Йосиф не е от съществено значение за християнската теология. Той е можел да бъде и някой луд човек и това не би имало значение за християнина. Освен това според християнските и ислямските писания, Мария е била девица, когато е заченала и е родила Иисус; ето защо тя е нямала сексуални отношения с Йосиф, поне до рождението на Христос, ако въобще е имала някога такива. Всъщност Приснодевството на Мария е основен постулат на вярата за мнозинството християни (в т.ч. римокатолиците, източно-православните и дохалкидонските православни християни), а точно тези неканонични писания, използвани като източник на информация за възрастта на Йосиф и Мария, също потвърждават положението на Мария като „Присно Дева“ (Винаги Дева) (в „Историята на Йосиф Дърводелеца“, Иисус казва при смъртта на Йосиф: „Майка ми, непорочната девица“),[1] което разгромява аргументите на автора.

Продължавайки напред с книгата, авторът ни дава информация за обществата, които са позволявали бракове в началото на пубертета. Той сякаш внуашава, че понеже подобни неща са били позволени в далечното минало (и дори не в толкова далечното минало), тогава по някакъв начин хората, които вярват, че подобни неща са погрешни, са всъщност в заблуда. Дали авторът не иска да ни накара да спрем еволюцията на обществото, която е довела до закрилянето на човешките същества чрез премахването на робството и браковете с деца? Само защото едно нещо някога е било практикувано от хората, не означава, че практиката е била етично правилна. Тук авторът разкрива своята зависимост от още една логическа заблуда: позоваване на традицията.]].

Ислямско право

След 67 страници с логически заблуди, започват аргументите, свързани с ислямското право. Авторът потвърждава, че според шариата момичетата могат да бъдат сгодени от своите бащи за по-възрастни мъже, преди да са пораснали достатъчно, за да дадат своето съгласие. След това той продължава да заблуждава читателя чрез находчива употреба на „двойна реч“. Авторът използва думата „зрял“, въпреки че ислямското определение на думата със сигурност не съвпада с това как средностатистическият читател разбира „зрял“. Авторът твърди, че понеже Аиша не е била достатъчно зряла, тя е останала в дома на баща си в продължение на три години, преди бракът ѝ да бъде консумиран. Авторът никъде не е дал обяснение какво „зрелостта“ всъщност води след себе си, и специално половата зрялост. Чрез използване на хлъзгав наклон, авторът окуражава читателя да заключи, че понеже Мухаммад не е правил секс с Аиша при сключването на брачния договор, но е изчакал три години, то това би трябвало да означава, че тя е била достатъчно зряла за секс.

След това авторът продължава, като обяснява концепцията за анулирането в ислямското право и че едно момиче може да анулира своя брак, когато достигне пубертет. Реално погледнато обаче, не е лесно за едно младо момиче да анулира своя брак. Доказано е, че опитите за анулиране на такива бракове са непосилно занимание за тези деца, а за момичетата без достъп до транспорт и комуникация с правните органи, това на практика е невъзможно. За повече информация прочетете за последните случаи на съвременни педофилски ислямски бракове. След това авторът прави следното изявление:

Разбира се, не е допустимо жената да иска отмяна на брака, ако всичко е с него е наред.

Ако едно момиче почувства, че не е готово за брак и сексуални отношения на 10-годишна възраст, въпреки че вече е получила менструация, какво в този случай ще бъде прието от ислямския съд като валидна причина за отмяна на брака? На повърхността изглежда, че момичето има някакви права при шариата, но при един задълбочен поглед разбираме, че момичето може да бъде омъжено преди да е достатъчно пораснало, за да даде съгласие, а нейният брак не може да бъде анулиран, докато тя не докаже, че нещо не е наред в съответствие с ислямското определение за „не наред“. Авторът също така пропуска да спомене, че ислямът е култура, начин на живот и едно момиче, потопено в такава култура, е подложено на натиск не само от своето семейство, но и от семейството на съпруга си, както и от общността, в която живее. Според хадисите мълчанието на девицата се приема като съгласие! (Сахих Бухари - 9:85:79(англ.)) Винаги може да се възползват от едно тихо и срамежливо момиче в ситуации, при които бащата нарежда брак със значително по-възрастен мъж. Освен това повечето момичета в страните, където браковете с деца са обичай, нямат понятие за биологията на човешкото тяло и рисковете при бременност на толкова ранна възраст. Менструацията не означава, че момичето е напълно узряло човешко същество – нито физически, нито ментално.

Шариатът не е замислен, за да защитава слабите и беззащитните. Тази форма на правото е построена върху презумпцията, че всички мюсюлмани са добри, морални хора и следователно те не биха си помислили да се отнесат зле с момичето под тяхна опека. Подобна презумпция не само е нереалистична, но също така е и опасна.

Авторът представя „западната концепция за годежа“ и отново не успява да дефинира какво означава това всъщност. На Запад момичетата не могат да бъдат омъжени, докато не са стигнали законната възраст за даване на съгласие (която обикновено е 18 години), а ако момиче поиска да се омъжи по-рано, се изисква разрешението на нейните родители или т.нар. „молба за еманципиране“ (в САЩ – petition for emancipation – бел. прев.). Западните закони са замислени да защитават момичетата от бракове против волята им, както и да предпазват децата от експлоатацията на възрастните.

Авторът използва заблужаващ език още веднъж, когато се обръща към „християнския закон“ и „библейския закон“. Първо, никъде не съществува съвременно практическо приложение на библейския закон. Второ, Новият Завет не е законодателна книга или наказателен кодекс. Това е компилация от книги на първите християни, които описват служението на Иисус и напътстват християните за нравствено поведение в живота им. В тях няма нищо задължително.

И макар че протестантските и католическите доктрини не подкрепят разводите, християнските жени се подчиняват единствено на законите в страните, където живеят. Само защото водачът на църковната община е казал на жената да не напуска съпруга си, не означава, че тя не може да го направи. На Запад тя може да се разведе с мъжа си също толкова лесно, както и атеистът, юдеинът, индусът или мюсюлманинът. Цялата предпоставка на авторовата аргументация се базира върху неговото субективно възприемане на християнството, а не върху фактите. Самият факт, че той внушава съществуването на „християнски закон“, би следвало да е сигнална лампичка за читателя, че авторът е интелектуално непочтен.

The 'Exception' Loophole

The author continues with the explanation that Islamic marriage to immature girls is "the exception, not the rule." However, when one reads what the "exception" is, then the author's argument falls apart:

...fathers are allowed to marry their immature daughters off if they fear that delaying the marriage would mean losing out on a great opportunity. If the girl receives a very good marriage proposal--and the father fears that this proposal would be lost if the decision is delayed--then he is allowed to marry her off despite her young age.

One wonders what exactly the word "good" means here. Likely it is another example of doublespeak. As we see from the author's further explanation,

In fact, in most instances in which young girls were married off before maturity, it was in order to ensure that the girl did not lose out on a marriage proposal from a powerful man.

it is likely that it was not really the girl's interest that the father had at heart but rather his own political position. The only way a girl might benefit from such a "powerful" alliance would be a luxurious lifestyle.

The author then appeals to moral relativity as an explanation for why Abu Bakr accepted Muhammad's marriage offer for Aisha. "It was the societal norm," he explains. Displaying an advertant denial of the facts, the author goes on to excuse such a marriage because "the Prophet wished to seal an alliance through this marriage; delaying the alliance would mean putting the fledgling Muslim polity at risk."

This is ludicrous considering Abu Bakr was a member of Muhammad's tribe and viewed himself as Muhammad's brother in Islam. Why would an "alliance" be necessary with someone already considered one of Muhammad's closest allies?

Loophole after loophole enables adult men to take advantage of young girls. The author states:

It should be kept in mind that although Islam allows for such a provision, this only applies to the situation where a father thinks that delaying the marriage would lead to the girl missing out on a great opportunity. Otherwise, Islam does not at all encourage marrying off daughters at such a young age. As Shaykh Salih al-Munajjid said: It is preferable for a guardian not to marry off his daughter when she is still young unless there is a valid reason for it.

"But they did it too!"

The ad hominem tu quoque continues as the author describes, yet again, the marriage of immature girls in other religions. And then he commits blatant falsehoods by declaring:

Judaism allows a man to have sex with a three year old girl. In Christianity, a man can have sex with a seven year old immature girl, which subsequently invalidates her right to annul the marriage.

Nowhere in the Jewish or Christian scriptures is permission given to a man to have sex with a child. None of the prophets or religious leaders in those scriptures are described as taking a child-bride. Jesus emphasized two very important rules declaring them to be one of the greatest of laws and the summation of the Law and Prophets, respectively: Love your neighbor as yourself and in all things, do unto others as you would have them do to you. If a man truly loved his daughter, could he ever think to put her in harm's way or give her hand in marriage against her will to a much older man? Christianity defines morals. It is not, however, intended to define a society's legislature and penal code. Christianity is supposed to help a person become moral so that the laws they do come up with are just. Christianity is not supposed to tell a person exactly what laws must be put in place over a society. Humans are instead encouraged to evolve morally, and so their laws are permitted to evolve with scientific discovery and improved ethics.

Also, comparing Judaism and Christianity to Islam is like comparing apples to oranges. The Judeo-Christian religions are just that--religions. Islam is not only a religion, but it is also a political ideology and a rule-of-law intended for ALL people to follow. According to Islam, even Christians and Jews are to be subjected to Islamic rule, and although permitted to practice their religious beliefs, they are still required to obey the Islamic laws.

What is 'sexually mature'?

Continuing to the section about consummation, the author argues that according to Islamic law:

A man may have sex with his wife when she becomes sexually mature enough such that she is not harmed from having sex in any way whatsoever.

Now, this is an interesting statement in deed. One has to wonder what the definition of harmed is considering Muhammad and his fellow Muslims were not biologists or child psychologists. It is doubtful that they understood the very negative affects a sexual relationship could have on a child so young, and would they have been aware of the increased risk of complications such as cephalopelvic disproportion, obstetric fistulas, fetal death, infant death, and maternal death? Never mind that pregnancy at such an early age greatly increases a girl's risk of stunting her growth and developing osteoporosis and dental problems due to the depletion of calcium from her bones.

With improved science and information about child psychology and child growth and development, the phrase "no harm whatsoever" expands exponentially in definition. Muhammad and his followers, in their ignorance, may honestly not have believed any harm could come from having sex with young girls. In that, the Prophet has an excuse. However, this simply proves that Muhammad was not really a knowledgeable Prophet of God with complete moral understanding, but rather that he was a typical 7th century Arab with typical 7th century Arabian knowledge.

Moving on to the Puberty section, the author provides a single, oversimplified definition of puberty as "the definition of puberty according to the English language", revealing his dependency yet again on intellectual dishonesty. He quotes:

The time when a child's body becomes sexually mature
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary

First of all, puberty is not necessarily a static "time"; it is also a process. A person is in one of three states of being: (1) pre-pubescence, (2) pubescence (meaning the person is experiencing puberty and has not yet completed it), or (3) post-pubescence (meaning the person has completed puberty and is now a fully mature adult).

Simply because someone is in puberty does not mean that they have sexually matured to a safe and healthy point of having a sexual relationship and children.

Secondly, the definition of puberty is as follows:

the time of life when sex glands become functional
A complex biologic and psychologic process involving sexual development, accelerated growth, and adrenal maturation...
Sequence of events by which a child becomes a young adult, characterized by the beginning of gonadotropin secretion, gametogenesis, secretion of gonadal hormones, development of secondary sexual characteristics and reproductive functions; sexual dimorphism is accentuated...

In other words, puberty is the process a child goes through in order to become an adult. The onset of puberty does not make a child suddenly an adult who is physically and psychologically ready for a sexual relationship. For primitive societies with no sophisticated understanding of such a process, it is understandable that they would assume a girl was mature at menarche. However, as our knowledge has grown, we now know that menarche does not make a girl suddenly a woman. Islam, however, cannot truly incorporate such knowledge without also admitting that Muhammad, in his ignorance, had sex with someone who should not have been having sex yet.

The author concedes that "just because a girl had her first period, this does not mean that her body is sexually mature." And perhaps many Islamic scholars would agree with this. However, it is doubtful that 7th century Arabs would have had such an understanding. As the author already has proved, ancient societies associated menarche with sexual maturity and saw no problem with marrying girls once they began menstruating.

The argument so-called Islamophobes have is not that Muhammad should have known better, but rather that he didn't know better and therefore committed an act that is defined as "pedophilia" today. His companions also had pedophilic relationships because in their ignorance, they believed that it was not morally wrong to do so.

One must wonder what the 7th century Arabs meant when they used the term for puberty. Were they referring to the process by which a girl matured into an adult woman, or were they referring to menarche? When they described someone as being "physically mature" did they mean that the process had been completed or did they mean that the girl was menstruating? The author has provided for us proof that ancient societies assumed that menarche meant "ready for sex" and therefore married girls at such a time. Even if Aisha had begun menstruating, it still means that Muhammad did something that even some Islamic scholars today would find reprehensible.

The author begs the question by having the reader assume that Abu Dawud meant "physical maturity" as we understand it to mean today when he recorded: "Aisha had reached physical maturity (at the time when her marriage was consummated).

After tying himself in convoluted explanations about puberty and consummation of marriage, the author proceeds to reiterate his ad hominem arguments. He illogically associates the Western practice of not persecuting homosexuals with the idea that Christians somehow now view homosexuality to be moral. Providing no sources whatsoever, the author states that Abraham (who is not considered to be a prophet by the Jews and Christians), married someone sixty or seventy years his junior. He also misquotes the Bible when he states that King David married a young virgin while an old man on his deathbed. If one reads the story in question, it is made clear to the reader that he was not having a sexual relationship with the girl but rather that she was hired to be a bed-warmer (since body heat is best when an electric blanket is not available). The blatant, unreferenced lies continue as the author declares that Rebecca was three years old when she married the forty-year-old Isaac. In the Torah, she was described as a girl physically capable of carrying jugs of water from a well and providing water to multiple camels. She was able to communicate her willingness to marry Isaac when his servant presented his offer of marriage, and she had the foresight to veil herself upon meeting her betrothed.

Aisha, pediatrician and child psychologist

There seems to be no end to the foolish arguments present by the author. Exploring the section titled "Was Aisha Pre- or Post-Pubertal?", we read:

Sure, it sounds strange that a nine or ten year old girl would be ready for sexual intercourse, but this was over one thousand years ago, when people used to have an average lifespan in their twenties.

According to the author's logic: An average lifespan of twenty makes a nine-year-old girl ready for sexual intercourse! This is not logic! A does not equal B no matter how much the author wants us to believe it is so.

Inadvertantly the author reveals Aisha's ignorance about puberty and maturity by quoting:

When the girl reaches nine years of age, she is a woman.
Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Nikah

The author begs the question AGAIN when he then states:

From this, we can see that Aisha had the body of a woman when she consummated her marriage with the Prophet. She was mature, and not immature, as the Islamophobes claim.

The author had already spent considerable time reiterating that ancient societies viewed menarche as maturity, but that Islamic scholars now should not interpret it as such; however, when a 7th century Arab woman makes the ridiculous claim that a nine-year-old girl is in fact a woman, the author would have us believe that this must mean Aisha was physically mature when her marriage was consummated.

Isn't it quite possible that Aisha considered herself a woman at the age of nine because she was married at the age of six and her husband had sex with her only three years later? Considering that she was not a medical doctor or a child psychologist, her statement that "when the girl reaches nine years of age, she is a woman" only goes to show her profound ignorance. She associated sex with adulthood, rather than associating adulthood with sex (as it should be).

"Adult women play with dolls too!"

The arguments take a confusing turn as the author discusses Aisha's dolls. He attempts to prove that because some adults play with dolls then Aisha could very well have been an adult even though the ahadith record that she was playing with dolls at the time her marriage was consummated. After having quoted non-sahih ahadith and Islamic scholars to prove his previous arguments, in order to defend against a sahih hadith that explains only prepubescent girls were permitted to play with dolls, the author states:

To properly understand why this argument is a weak one, we need to clarify a few things. First of all, the Islamic Law (Shari'ah) comes from the Quran and the authentic hadeeths (Prophetic sayings); these two texts--the Word of God (Quran) and His Messenger (hadeeths)--are considered the Islamic canon.

So, only the Islamic canon may be referred to in regards to underage Islamic marriages, but the author need not limit himself to the Jewish and Christian canons when discussing underage marriages in Jewish and Christian societies. His double-standard is embarrassingly obvious.

He continues:

However, it should be known that there is absolutely no directive in the Quran or the hadeeths that says dolls are permissible to pre-pubertal girls and forbidden to post-pubertal girls. No statement like such can be attributed to either God or His Messenger.

However, the reader must remember that Muslims are forbidden from making any images of God's creation whether it be in paintings or sculptures. A Muslim is not to even allowed to pray in a room that has photographs of people on the wall. The author explains this well.

It would make sense that an adult woman capable of understanding such things would be forbidden from having things like dolls which are small replicas of humans and other creatures, just as the statements made in this hadith reiterate:

Narrated 'Aisha: I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for 'Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fateh-al-Bari page 143, Vol.13)

While the author would have us accept the statements as truth made by modern-day Islamic scholars, he would have us ignore the Fateh-al-Bari, a 15th century Islamic scholar's famous commentary on the Sahih Bukhari. He also brings up a hadith in a less-trustworthy hadith (the Sunan Abu Dawud) to prove that Muhammad did not rebuke Aisha for not playing with dolls, therefore it must not have been forbidden for pubescent and post-pubescent women. This requires the assumption that Muhammad followed all of Islam's rules. Many of the Quran's verses were revealed upon necessity, and Muhammad himself violated several of its edicts. The author's premise is based upon the assumption that Shari'a was perfected at the time of this hadith's occurence (unlikely considering the Quran was still in the process of being revealed) and that Muhammad always abided by the laws presented in the Quran. In fact, Muhammad violated the Quran on several instances. The author's tangent on dolls in Islam continues for at least ten pages as he attempts to prove that Aisha was an adult playing with dolls rather than a pubescent, or even pre-pubescent, child.

"Too young to care for bread dough, but old enough for sex!"

The author's next argument is regarding Aisha's immaturity. He mentions the ahadith commonly referenced on Islamophobic websites that Islamophobes use to prove that Aisha was immature when she was married. These ahadith are: Сахих Бухари - 3:48:805(англ.), Сахих Бухари - 3:49:829(англ.), and Сахих Муслим - 37:6673(англ.). Apparently the author feels that Bassam Zawadi, an Islamic apologist who focuses on Islam vs. Christianity debates, is a more knowledgeable scholar of Arabic than the ones responsible for the widely available translations of Bukhari and Muslim ahadith, because he argues that Aisha was described as simply "young" not "immature." Apparently a girl's young age excuses her from chores like keeping the goats from eating bread dough, however it is not indicative of being too young for sexual relations. One has to wonder if the author has any daughters.

Moving on to the section titled "Who Decides When a Girl is Mature?", we are told that according to Islamic law, it is the father who decides the readiness of the girl. He states:

A father is the protector and maintainer of his daughter, and he would have the best interest of the child in mind. Who knows the daughter better than the father?

Oh, I don't know...the mother perhaps? Maybe the sister? Or how about the daughter herself?! But as we recall in the Quran:

Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great.
Коран 4:34

Although the vast majority of fathers on this planet are not perverts and probably have their daughter's well-being at heart, the Islamic law fails to protect those girls whose fathers are sexually deviant or incredibly selfish enough to marry their daughters to much older men in order to increase their political or societal positions.

"Islamic law is better than American law"

The author goes on to make a nonsensical argument about how Islamic law protects girls whose fathers are sexually abusing them, and then moves on to discuss marital laws in the United States. On and on he rambles about the differences in state laws, all the while displaying his ignorance of said laws since he fails to mention that parental permission is required before the court-of-law in order for a girl under the age of eighteen to be married anywhere in the United States. There are only a few states that will allow marriage for teenages under the age of eighteen without parental permission IF there is a pregnancy. And even with parental approval, most states require COURT APPROVAL for teenagers under the age of sixteen. The purpose of the law is not so that the government can have control over teenagers' relationships, but rather to protect children and teenagers from exploitation.

The author argues that it is haram for a father to oppress his daughter. Well, that's all fine and dandy, however just because something is described as sinful it doesn't prevent someone from doing just that. He states:

In such cases of abuse, then the Islamic court could step in to prevent and stop the father from this. Under Islamic Law, the court system and judges should be the protectors of the daughter over and above the father, if he oversteps his bounds.

After making this nice-sounding statement, the author fails to provide any references of such a thing occuring under Islamic law. He then goes on to discuss forced marriages and how they are haram. Many times coersion and pressure occurs privately in the home, so the court is usually not involved when a girl's entire community pressures her to faithfully obey her parents and abide by strict rules that segrate her from men and even her own betrothed. Would such a girl even know how to go about refusing a marriage without putting her reputation and perhaps even her life at risk? Under Islamic law, the burden of proof is placed on the girl. She must go to court in order to refuse a marriage. Since marriage is not considered an individual undertaking between two people who are interested in one another but rather a contract made between two families, a girl is easily exploited and left with only complicated and difficult avenues of escape.

The author continues in a tiring discussion about legal marriage ages and governments and concludes the topic with an appeal to moral relativity: "It would be absolute hubris for the post-modern man to look down on the sociological norms of ancient civilizations." Well, Mr. Hashimi, it would not be hubris if that norm is supposed to be based on the lifestyle of a man claiming to be the Messenger of God and the best example of humanity.

What's a Pedophile?

The author then tries prove that Muhammad would not fit the definition of a pedophile. He quotes only a small part of the definition and then leads the reader into a tangle of logical fallacies.

See if you can follow this...

A. "Puberty is sexual maturity" (This is an inaccurate definition.) B. "Islamic scholars are agreed that puberty is a precondition for marriage" (This is a gross over-generalization and deceiving considering many Islamic scholars agree that menarche defines puberty. Besides, Muhammad was not answerable to Islamic scholars.) C. "Aisha moved into the Prophet's house after she attained the age of puberty" (Puberty according to 7th century Arabia standards, not 21st...but the author fails to explain this.)

The author's logic: Since B requires A, that must mean C; therefore Muhammad is not a pedophile. Sorry, Mr. Hashimi but this simply does not add up.

The article the author quotes to define pedophilia also states: "An adult who engages in sexual activity with a child is performing a criminal and immoral act and this is never considered normal or socially acceptable behavior." The criteria for pedophilia is as follows:

A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger);

B. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty;

C. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.

Muhammad had sex with Aisha from the time that she was nine years old until his death nine years later. He was 44 years her senior. Just because 7th century Arabs may have considered Aisha a woman does not mean that if she were born today she would be seen in the same light. A nine-year-old girl today would still be considered a child by the very society that relies upon the DSM-IV-TR criteria for pedophilia.

The reader should be aware that this definition is not the world's only definition. It is amusing that the author relies on an American definition when he also criticizes America for trying to protect children by enforcing such "high" legal ages of consent. The DSM-IV-TR criteria is simply what American psychologists use in order to formally diagnose the pathological disorder of pedophilia. In reality, American law enforcement uses the term "pedophile" in a much broader sense. A 54-year-old man who has sex with a nine-year-old girl would easily be labeled a pedophile according to law enforcement standards considering the typical definition of a pedophile is "an adult who is sexually attracted to young children." A man need not be exclusively attracted to children in order to be labeled as a pedophile. As the author has proved for us with the Sahih Bukhari, Aisha was considered a young girl even after the consummation of her marriage.

According to the World Health Organization, pedophilia is defined as:

A sexual preference for children, boys or girls or both, usually of prepubertal or early pubertal age.

Therefore, if Aisha had in fact experienced menarche an American psychologist might not be able to give a formal diagnosis of pedophilia; however, in America Muhammad would be arrested for rape and other crimes against a minor, as would Abu Bakr for facilitating such an arrangement and, if Muhammad ever got out of prison, for the rest of his life he would have to register as a sex offender. American law enforcement as well as American society would view him as a pedophile.

The remainder of the book is not really a logical argument but rather a reiteration of points such as "the marriage was a socio-political alliance" and "Jews and Christians should not be pointing the finger at Muhammad." The author failed to prove that the label of "pedophile" is inaccurate for a 54-year-old man who has sexual intercourse with a nine-year-old girl.

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