Хронологията на Мухаммад: Разлика между версии

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Редакция без резюме
Ред 139: Ред 139:
|Прощалната проповед  
|Прощалната проповед  
|След завършването на поклонението, Мухаммад връчва прословутата си проповед, която води до завладяването на завоеванията нахристияните и зороастрийците. ([[Прощалната проповед на Мухаммад|''прочети повече'']])
|След завършването на поклонението, Мухаммад връчва прословутата си проповед. Той обявява мюсюлманите за свещени, единствено братя помежду си, да си помагат и подкрепят, сравнява жените с добитък и т.н.. ([[Прощалната проповед на Мухаммад|''прочети повече'']])
|Death of Muhammad
|Смъртта на Мухаммад
|Muhammad's last days are spent with Aisha in her house, where he continues to issue orders and curse the Christians and Jews.<ref>"''....Then he [Muhammad] ordered them to do three things. He said, "Turn the pagans out of the 'Arabian Peninsula; respect and give gifts to the foreign delegations as you have seen me dealing with them." (Said bin Jubair, the sub-narrator said that Ibn Abbas kept quiet as rewards the third order, or he said, "I forgot it.")''" - {{Bukhari|5|59|716}}</ref><ref>"''Narrated 'Aisha and Ibn 'Abbas: On his death-bed Allah's Apostle put a sheet over his-face and when he felt hot, he would remove it from his face. When in that state (of putting and removing the sheet) he said, "May Allah's Curse be on the Jews and the Christians for they build places of worship at the graves of their prophets." (By that) he intended to warn (the Muslim) from what they (i.e. Jews and Christians) had done.''" - {{Bukhari|4|56|660}}</ref> Slumped against her bosom,<ref>"...'''Aisha added: He died on the day of my usual turn at my house. Allah took him unto Him while his head was between my chest and my neck and his saliva was mixed with my saliva''..." - {{Bukhari|7|62|144}}</ref> he finally dies on the 8<sup>th</sup> of July. Ali (Muhammad's son-in-law and cousin) reports that Muhammad's penis was erect after his death.<ref>"''....Abulfeda mentions the exclamation of Ali, who washed his body after his death, "O prophet, thy penis is erect unto the sky!" (in Vit. Mohammed. p. 140).....''" - Edward Gibbon, [{{Reference archive|1=http://web.archive.org/web/20070417133412/http://oll.libertyfund.org/Home3/HTML.php?recordID=0214.09|2=2012-12-10}} "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"], Vol. 9  Footnote 175</ref> ([[Muhammad's Death|''read more'']])
|Последните дни на Мухаммад биват прекарани с Айша в дома й, където той продължава да издава заповеди и да злонрави против християните и евреите, които са основните останали немюсюлмани.<ref>"''....Тогава [Мохамед] им нареди да направят три неща. Той каза: "Изхвърлете езичниците от Арабския полуостров, уважавайте и давайте подаръци на чуждестранните делегации, както сте ме виждали да се занимавам с тях" (Сайд бин Джюбайр, подразделецът каза, че Ибн Абас е мълчал като възнаграждение на третия ред или е казал: "Забравих го.")''" - {{Bukhari|5|59|716}}</ref><ref>"''Narrated 'Aisha and Ibn 'Abbas: On his death-bed Allah's Apostle put a sheet over his-face and when he felt hot, he would remove it from his face. When in that state (of putting and removing the sheet) he said, "May Allah's Curse be on the Jews and the Christians for they build places of worship at the graves of their prophets." (By that) he intended to warn (the Muslim) from what they (i.e. Jews and Christians) had done.''" - {{Bukhari|4|56|660}}</ref> Slumped against her bosom,<ref>"...'''Aisha added: He died on the day of my usual turn at my house. Allah took him unto Him while his head was between my chest and my neck and his saliva was mixed with my saliva''..." - {{Bukhari|7|62|144}}</ref> he finally dies on the 8<sup>th</sup> of July. Ali (Muhammad's son-in-law and cousin) reports that Muhammad's penis was erect after his death.<ref>"''....Abulfeda mentions the exclamation of Ali, who washed his body after his death, "O prophet, thy penis is erect unto the sky!" (in Vit. Mohammed. p. 140).....''" - Edward Gibbon, [{{Reference archive|1=http://web.archive.org/web/20070417133412/http://oll.libertyfund.org/Home3/HTML.php?recordID=0214.09|2=2012-12-10}} "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"], Vol. 9  Footnote 175</ref> ([[Muhammad's Death|''read more'']])
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