Мюсюлманска общност Ахмадия: Разлика между версии

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==Преследване, цензура и отлъчване (''такфир'')==
==Преследване, цензура и отлъчване (''такфир'')==
Orthodox followers of Islam do not consider the Ahmadis to be Muslims,<ref name="BBC">[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8711026.stm Who are the Ahmadi?] - BBC News, May 28, 2010</ref> due to their beliefs, as with the beliefs of the Baha'is and [[Qur'an Only Islam - Why it is Not Possible|Qur'anists]], differing vastly from those of mainstream Islam.<ref name="World Muslim League"></ref> This has lead to the widespread persecution and killing of Ahmadis around the world.<ref>Omar Oakes - [{{Reference archive|1=http://i41.tinypic.com/2dcfml3.jpg|2=2011-12-07}} Preaching hate on our streets] - Surrey Comet, August 27 - September 2, 2010</ref><ref>Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens - [{{Reference archive|1=http://standpointmag.co.uk/node/3354|2=2011-12-07}} Incitement to Murder Muslims in Surrey] - Standpoint, September 1, 2010</ref><ref name="BBC"></ref><ref name="BANGLADESH"></ref>  
Мнозинството последователи на исляма не смятат ахмадистите за мюсюлмани,<ref name="BBC">[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8711026.stm Кои са Ахмади?] - BBC News, Май 28ми, 2010г.</ref> поради техните вярвания, както при вярванията на бахаите и коранистите, различаващи се значително от тези на основния  ислям.<ref name="World Muslim League"></ref> Това е довело до широко разпространено преследване и убиване на ахмади по целия свят.<ref>Omar Oakes - [{{Reference archive|1=http://i41.tinypic.com/2dcfml3.jpg|2=2011-12-07}} Проповядване на омраза по нашите улици] - Surrey Comet, Август 27ми - SСептември 2ри, 2010г.</ref><ref>Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens - [{{Reference archive|1=http://standpointmag.co.uk/node/3354|2=2011-12-07}} Подстрекаване към убийство на мюсюлмани в Съри] - Гледна точка, 1ви Септември 2010г</ref><ref name="BBC"></ref><ref name="BANGLADESH"></ref>  

At the 1974 annual World Muslim League conference held in Mecca and attended by 140 delegations of Muslim countries and organizations from all over the world, it was unanimously agreed that the Ahmadiyya are "a subversive movement against Islam and the Muslim world, which falsely and deceitfully claims to be an Islamic sect; who under the guise of Islam and for the sake of mundane interests contrives and plans to damage the very foundations of Islam."<ref name="World Muslim League">[http://www.alhafeez.org/rashid/rabita.html 1974 Declaration by World Muslim League (Rabita al-Alam al-Islami)] - Mohammad Bashir, 25th August 2000</ref> This act of excommunicating a person or group who alleges to be Muslim is called [[takfeer]].  
На годишната конференция на Световната мюсюлманска лига през 1974 г., проведена в Мека и на която присъстваха 140 делегации на мюсюлмански страни и организации от цял свят, беше единодушно прието, че Ахмадия е „подривно движение срещу исляма и мюсюлманския свят, което фалшиво и измамно твърди, че е ислямска секта; който под прикритието на исляма и в името на светски интереси измисля и планира да увреди самите основи на исляма."<ref name="World Muslim League">[http://www.alhafeez.org/rashid/rabita.html Декларация от 1974 г. на Световната мюсюлманска лига (Рабита ал-Алам ал-Ислами)] - Мохамад Башир, 25ти Август 2000г.</ref> Този акт на отлъчване в исляма на лице или група, които твърдят, че са мюсюлмани, се нарича такфир.  

The sale, publication and distribution of Ahmadiyya literiture has also been banned in Bangladesh,<ref name="BANGLADESH">[http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/%5Cpapers13%5Cpaper1252.html BANGLADESH: State Inaction Encourages anti-Ahmadiyya Islamists] - The South Asia Analysis Group, February 14, 2005</ref> the Muslim Council of Britain have stated that members of the Ahmadiyya faith are "outside the fold of Islam", they have been banned from practicing their religion publicly in Indonesia's East Java, West Java, and South Sulawesi provinces,<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.adnkronos.com/IGN/Aki/English/Religion/Indonesia-New-ban-imposed-on-Ahmadiyah-Islamic-sect_311748875213.html|2=2011-03-04}} Indonesia: New ban imposed on Ahmadiyah Islamic sect] - AKI, March 3, 2011</ref> and Pakistan has officially declared them to be non-Muslims.<ref>Khan, Naveeda. [http://anthropology.jhu.edu/bin/i/d/Trespasses.pdf "Trespasses of the State: Ministering to Theological Dilemmas through the Copyright/Trademark"]. Sarai Reader 2005: Bare Acts. p. 184.</ref>  
The sale, publication and distribution of Ahmadiyya literiture has also been banned in Bangladesh,<ref name="BANGLADESH">[http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/%5Cpapers13%5Cpaper1252.html BANGLADESH: State Inaction Encourages anti-Ahmadiyya Islamists] - The South Asia Analysis Group, February 14, 2005</ref> the Muslim Council of Britain have stated that members of the Ahmadiyya faith are "outside the fold of Islam", they have been banned from practicing their religion publicly in Indonesia's East Java, West Java, and South Sulawesi provinces,<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.adnkronos.com/IGN/Aki/English/Religion/Indonesia-New-ban-imposed-on-Ahmadiyah-Islamic-sect_311748875213.html|2=2011-03-04}} Indonesia: New ban imposed on Ahmadiyah Islamic sect] - AKI, March 3, 2011</ref> and Pakistan has officially declared them to be non-Muslims.<ref>Khan, Naveeda. [http://anthropology.jhu.edu/bin/i/d/Trespasses.pdf "Trespasses of the State: Ministering to Theological Dilemmas through the Copyright/Trademark"]. Sarai Reader 2005: Bare Acts. p. 184.</ref>