В долупоместените хадиси Мухаммад признава, че е лъжец, когато това му е угодно и препоръчва на мюсюлманите да правят същото:

Разказва Захдам:

Бяхме в компанията на Абу Муса Ал-Аш‘ари и имаше приятелски отношения между нас и това племе Джарм. На Абу Муса беше сервирана чиния с пиле. Сред хората там седеше човек с червено лице, който не се доближаваше до храната. Абу Муса (му) каза: „Ела (и яж), понеже видях Пратеникът на Аллах да яде от него (от пилето)“. Той каза: „Видях го да яде нещо (мръсно) и тогава това не ми хареса, и дадох клетва, че няма да го ям“. Абу Муса каза: „Ела, ще ти кажа (или ще ти разкажа) нещо. Веднъж отидох при Пратеника на Аллах заедно с една дружина от племето Ал-Аш‘ариин и го срещнах, когато беше гневен и разпределяше някакви камили за Ракат. Поискахме ездитни животни, но той даде клетва, че няма да ни даде никакви ездитни животни и добави: „Нямам на какво да ви кача“. В същото време някакви плячкосани камили бяха доведени при Пратеника на Аллах и той попита два пъти: „Къде са хората от Ал-Аш‘ариин?“ И така той ни даде пет бели камили с големи гърбици. Спряхме за кратко (след като бяхме изминали малко разстояние) и тогава казах на моите сподвижници: „Пратеникът на Аллах забрави своята клетва. В името на Аллах, ако не напомним на Пратеника на Аллах за клетвата му, никога няма да имаме успех“. И така ние се върнахме при Пророка и му казахме: „О, Пратенико на Аллах! Поискахме ти ездитни животни, но ти се закле, че няма да ни дадеш никакви ездитни животни; мислим, че си забравил клетвата си“. Той каза: „Аллах е този, който ви даде ездитните животни. В името на Аллах и по волята на Аллах, ако аз дам клетва и по-късно намеря нещо по-добро от това, тогава правя каквото е по-добро и изкупвам клетвата си.' "

Разказва Абдур-Рахман бин Самура:

Пророкът каза: „О, ‘Абдур-Рахман! Не търси да бъдеш владетел, понеже ако ти се даде власт по твоето желание, тогава ще бъдеш отговорен за нея, но ако ти се даде (власт), без да я искаш, тогава (Аллах) ще ти помогне в нея. Ако някога дадеш клетва да направиш нещо и по-късно откриеш, че нещо друго е по-добро, тогава трябва изкупиш клетвата си и да направиш каквото е по-добро."
Абу Муса ал-Аш‘ари съобщава: Дойдох при Пратеника на Аллах (мир нему) заедно с една дружина от племето аш‘арити да искаме да ни даде ездитни животни. Той (Светият Пророк) каза: В името на Аллах, не мога да ви дам ездитни животни и нямам нищо при себе си, което да трябва да ви дам да яздите. Той (разказвачът) казал: Останахме там колкото Аллах искаше. Тогава му (на Светия Пророк) бяха доведени камили. Той (Светият Пророк) след това нареди да ни дадат три бели гърбави камили. Потеглихме и си казахме (или някой от нас каза на другите): Аллах няма да ни благослови. Дойдохме при Пратеника на Аллах (мир нему), като го помолихме да ни даде камили за яздене. Той се закле, че не може да ни даде ездитни животни, но по-късно той ни даде такива. Те (някои от сподвижниците на Пророка) дойдоха и му съобщиха за това (свое терзание), на което той казал: Не аз ви предоставих животните, но Аллах ви ги даде. Що се отнася за мен, в името на Аллах, ако е Неговата воля, тогава няма да дам клетва, но ако по-късно видя нещо по-добро от това, аз (бих нарушил обета) и бих го изкупил, и бих направил онова, което е по-добро.
Abu Huraira reported: A person sat late in the night with Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him), and then came to his family and found that his children had gone to sleep. His wife brought food for him. but he took an oath that he would not eat because of his children (having gone to sleep without food) He then gave precedence (of breaking the vow and then expiating it) and ate the food He then came to Allah s Messenger (may peace be upon him) and made mention of that to him, whereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace he upon him) said: He who took an oath and (later on) found something better than that should do that, and expiate for (breaking) his vow.
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who took an oath and then found another thing better than (this) should expiate for the oath (broken) by him and do (the better thing).
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who took an oath and (later on) found another thing better than that, he should do that which is better, and expiate for the vow (broken by him).
This hadith is narrated on the authority of Suhail with the same chain of transmitters (with these words): "He should expiate for (breaking) the vow and do that which is better."
'Adi reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: When anyone amongst you takes an oath, but he finds (something) better than that he should expiate (the breaking of the oath), and do that which is better.
Abd al-Rahman b. Samura reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said to me: Abd al-Rahman b. Samura, don't ask for authority for if it is granted to you for asking for it, you would be commissioned for it (without having the support of Allah), but if you are granted it without your asking for it. You would be helped (by Allah) in it. And when you take an oath and find something else better than that, expiate for (breaking) your oath, and do that which is better. This hadith has also been transmitted on the authority of Ibn Farrukh.

Apologists often claim lying in Islam is restricted to its use in war, but in the following hadiths, Muhammad permits a Muslim to lie in order to kill Ka'b ibn al-Ashraf, a Jewish poet who wrote an anti-Muslim poem which offended him.

"Narrated Jabir : The Prophet said, ‘Who is ready to kill Ka’b bin Ashraf (i.e. a Jew).’ Muhammad bin Maslama replied, ‘Do you like me to kill him?’ The Prophet replied in the affirmative. Muhammad bin Maslama said, ‘Then allow me to say what I like.’ The Prophet replied ‘I do (i.e. allow you).’"
Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, "Who is willing to kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His Apostle?" Thereupon Muhammad bin Maslama got up saying, "O Allah's Apostle! Would you like that I kill him?" The Prophet said, "Yes," Muhammad bin Maslama said, "Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Kab). "The Prophet said, "You may say it." Then Muhammad bin Maslama went to Kab and said, "That man (i.e. Muhammad demands Sadaqa (i.e. Zakat) from us, and he has troubled us, and I have come to borrow something from you." On that, Kab said, "By Allah, you will get tired of him!" Muhammad bin Maslama said, "Now as we have followed him, we do not want to leave him unless and until we see how his end is going to be. Now we want you to lend us a camel load or two of food." (Some difference between narrators about a camel load or two.) Kab said, "Yes, (I will lend you), but you should mortgage something to me." Muhammad bin Mas-lama and his companion said, "What do you want?" Ka'b replied, "Mortgage your women to me." They said, "How can we mortgage our women to you and you are the most handsome of the 'Arabs?" Ka'b said, "Then mortgage your sons to me." They said, "How can we mortgage our sons to you? Later they would be abused by the people's saying that so-and-so has been mortgaged for a camel load of food. That would cause us great disgrace, but we will mortgage our arms to you." Muhammad bin Maslama and his companion promised Kab that Muhammad would return to him. He came to Kab at night along with Kab's foster brother, Abu Na'ila. Kab invited them to come into his fort, and then he went down to them. His wife asked him, "Where are you going at this time?" Kab replied, "None but Muhammad bin Maslama and my (foster) brother Abu Na'ila have come." His wife said, "I hear a voice as if dropping blood is from him, Ka'b said. "They are none but my brother Muhammad bin Maslama and my foster brother Abu Naila. A generous man should respond to a call at night even if invited to be killed." Muhammad bin Maslama went with two men. (Some narrators mention the men as 'Abu bin Jabr. Al Harith bin Aus and Abbad bin Bishr). So Muhammad bin Maslama went in together with two men, and sail to them, "When Ka'b comes, I will touch his hair and smell it, and when you see that I have got hold of his head, strip him. I will let you smell his head." Kab bin Al-Ashraf came down to them wrapped in his clothes, and diffusing perfume. Muhammad bin Maslama said. " have never smelt a better scent than this. Ka'b replied. "I have got the best 'Arab women who know how to use the high class of perfume." Muhammad bin Maslama requested Ka'b "Will you allow me to smell your head?" Ka'b said, "Yes." Muhammad smelt it and made his companions smell it as well. Then he requested Ka'b again, "Will you let me (smell your head)?" Ka'b said, "Yes." When Muhammad got a strong hold of him, he said (to his companions), "Get at him!" So they killed him and went to the Prophet and informed him. (Abu Rafi) was killed after Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf."

This is a clear case of lying endorsed by the prophet in order to achieve the objectives of Islam, therefore Muslims are permitted to lie (and kill) in defense of Muhammad and his character.

See Also