Джери Вайнс: Разлика между версии

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Vines sparked controversy in June 2002 for remarks he made at a Southern Baptist Convention conference that were critical of [[Islam]]. Referencing Ergun and Emir Caner's book ''Unveiling Islam'', Vines said that "[[Allah]] is not [[Jehovah]]… Jehovah's not going to turn you into a [[terrorism|terrorist]] that'll try to bomb people and take the lives of thousands and thousands of people," and that "[[Christianity]] was founded by the [[Virgin birth of Jesus|virgin-born]] [[Jesus Christ]]" while "Islam was founded by [[Muhammad]], a [[demonic possession|demon-possessed]] [[pedophile]] who had 12 wives, and his last one was a 9-year-old girl."<ref>[http://www.biblicalrecorder.org/content/news/2002/6_14_2002/ne140602vines.shtml "Vines calls founder of Islam a 'demon-possessed pedophile'"] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20061029030348/http://www.biblicalrecorder.org/content/news/2002/6_14_2002/ne140602vines.shtml |date=2006-10-29 }}. (June 14, 2002). ''[[Biblical Recorder]]''.</ref> This reference was to [[Aisha]], who is said to have been about nine when her marriage to Muhammad was consummated, according to several [[hadith]], or stories of Muhammad.<ref>For example {{Hadith-usc|Bukhari|usc=yes|5|58|234}}, said to have been narrated by Aisha.</ref> The comments stirred a brief national debate on "[[Islamophobia]]" and the demonization of Islam in relation to the [[War on Terrorism]]. Vines initially defended his comments and invited "Muslim scholars to explain their own documents to us all."<ref name="news4jax">[http://www.news4jax.com/news/1515305/detail.html "Vines: No Apology To Muslims"] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110524085101/http://www.news4jax.com/news/1515305/detail.html |date=2011-05-24 }}. (June 17, 2002). News4Jax.com.</ref> He also refused to apologize for the statements or to meet with local Muslim leaders.<ref name="news4jax"/> He was heavily criticized, but was defended by fellow Baptist preacher [[Jerry Falwell]], who wrote a letter supporting him. Falwell was asked about the letter during a ''[[60 Minutes]]'' interview in October, and sparked an even greater outrage by declaring that he considered Muhammad a terrorist.<ref>[http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/10/03/60minutes/main524268.shtml "Zion's Christian Soldiers"]. (October 3, 2002). CBSNews.com, ''60 Minutes''.</ref> He later apologized for his comments.<ref>Hertz, Todd (October 17, 2002).
Вайнс предизвиква противоречиви реакции през м. юни 2002 г. заради направени от него забележки по време на конференция на Южната Баптистка конвенция, които са с критична насоченост към [[Ислям|исляма]]. Споменавайки книгата „Разкриването на исляма“ от Ергюн и Емир Чанер, Вайнс казва, че „Аллах не е Йехова.. Йехова няма да те превърне в терорист, който ще се опита да взривява хората и да отнема живота на хиляди и хиляди хора“, както и че „християнството е основано от Иисус Христос, роденият от девица“, докато „ислямът е основан от Мухаммад, обсебен от демони педофил, който е имал 12 жени, а последната му е била на 9 години“.<ref>[http://www.biblicalrecorder.org/content/news/2002/6_14_2002/ne140602vines.shtml "Vines calls founder of Islam a 'demon-possessed pedophile'"] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20061029030348/http://www.biblicalrecorder.org/content/news/2002/6_14_2002/ne140602vines.shtml |date=2006-10-29 }}. (June 14, 2002). ''[[Biblical Recorder]]''.</ref> Тази препратка се отнася за Аиша, за която се твърди, че е била на около девет години, когато бракът ѝ с Мухаммад е консумиран според няколко хадиси (или истории) за Мухаммад.<ref>За пример на английски език {{Bukhari|5|58|234}}, за която се казва, че е било разказано от Айша.</ref> Тези коментари предизвикват кратък национален дебат върху „ислямофобията“ и демонизирането на исляма във връзка с войната срещу тероризма. Първоначално Вайнс защитава своите коментари и кани „мюсюлманските учени да обяснят техните собствени документи на всички нас“.<ref name="news4jax">[http://www.news4jax.com/news/1515305/detail.html "Vines: No Apology To Muslims"] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110524085101/http://www.news4jax.com/news/1515305/detail.html |date=2011-05-24 }}. (June 17, 2002). News4Jax.com.</ref> Той също така отказва да се извини за твърденията си, както и да се срещне с местните мюсюлмански водачи. Въпреки яростните критики, той е защитен от своя приятел, баптисткия проповедник Джери Фалуел, който пише писмо в негова подкрепа.Фалуел е попитан за това писмо по време на интервю за предаването „60 Minutes” през октомври и предизвиква дори още по-голямо възмущение с заявлението си, че счита Мухаммад за терорист.<ref>[http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/10/03/60minutes/main524268.shtml "Zion's Christian Soldiers"]. (October 3, 2002). CBSNews.com, ''60 Minutes''.</ref> По-късно той се извинява за коментарите си.<ref>Hertz, Todd (October 17, 2002).
[http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2002/140/41.0.html "Riots, Condemnation, Fatwa, and Apology Follow Falwell's CBS Comments"]. ''Christianity Today''.</ref> When the story was covered by ''[[NBC Nightly News]]'' with [[Tom Brokaw]] on February 25, 2003, Vines finally broke his silence on the issue, claiming that his statements had been overemphasized in media reports, and that he had not intended to evoke hate.<ref>Hannigan, Joni B. (March 6, 2003). [http://www.floridabaptistwitness.com/575.article "Vines speaks out against NBC news report"] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20060203224528/http://www.floridabaptistwitness.com/575.article |date=2006-02-03 }}. ''Florida Baptist Witness''.</ref>
[http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2002/140/41.0.html "Riots, Condemnation, Fatwa, and Apology Follow Falwell's CBS Comments"]. ''Christianity Today''.</ref> Когато тази история е отразена по NBC Nightly News с Том Броукоу на 25 февруари 2003 г., Вайнс най-накрая нарушава своето мълчание по проблема, като заявява, че неговите твърдения са били преувеличени в репортажите на медиите, както и че е нямал намерение да поражда омраза.<ref>Hannigan, Joni B. (March 6, 2003). [http://www.floridabaptistwitness.com/575.article "Vines speaks out against NBC news report"] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20060203224528/http://www.floridabaptistwitness.com/575.article |date=2006-02-03 }}. ''Florida Baptist Witness''.</ref>

==Selected works==
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