Отговори на защитниците: Мухаммад и Аиша: Разлика между версии

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Това е аргумент с логическа грешка. Никой никъде не е твърдял, че Мухаммад е имал полово сношение с Аиша, когато тя е била 6-годишна. Единствено бракът им се е състоял, когато тя е била на 6. Половото сношение се е случило, когато тя е била на 9 лунни години (вероятно е била 8-годишна, ако се използва Грегорианския календар за пресмятане на възрастта ѝ).
Това е аргумент с логическа грешка. Никой никъде не е твърдял, че Мухаммад е имал полово сношение с Аиша, когато тя е била 6-годишна. Единствено бракът им се е състоял, когато тя е била на 6. Половото сношение се е случило, когато тя е била на 9 лунни години (вероятно е била 8-годишна, ако се използва Грегорианския календар за пресмятане на възрастта ѝ).

====The Qur'an does not say Muhammad married Aisha when she was 6 and had sex with her when she was 9====
====Коранът не казва, че Мухаммад се е оженил за Аиша, когато е била на 6 години и че е правил секс с нея, когато е била на ====

The [[Qur'an]] is not a biography of Muhammad. By name, he is only mentioned 4 times in the Qur'an.<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_times_was_the_name_of_the_holy_prophet_Muhammad_mentioned_in_Quran|2=2011-10-24}} How many times name of the holy prophet Muhammad mentioned in Quran?] - Answers.com, accessed October 24, 2011</ref> The Qur'an is not a historical narrative and without the [[Hadiths]] and [[Islam_and_Scripture#Sira|Sirat]] (which are accepted by the majority of the world's Muslims and Islamic scholars) there would be no [[Five Pillars of Islam|Five Pillars]], Islam as Muslims know it would be unrecognizable, and there would be little<ref>Much like the hadith literature and prophetic biographies, the early non-Muslim references to Muhammad that do exist seem to paint a very negative picture of him. For example; the ''Doctrina Jacobi'' portrays him as a bandit, and the Mandaeans' ''[[Haran Gawaitha]]'' depicts him as the "Son-of-Slaughter, the Arab" converting "people to himself by the sword."</ref> to no historical evidence that a person known as Prophet Muhammad ever existed. Therefore they [[Qur'an Only Islam - Why it is Not Possible|cannot be ignored]].  Furthermore, the Qur'an itself  [[Pedophilia in the Qur'an|permits pedophilia]] in verse 65:4.<ref>According to the Qur'an, one can marry and have sexual intercourse with a child who has not yet reached her menses. In {{Quran|65|4}}, the Qur'an addresses divorce and how long one should wait for remarriage after the divorce of females who are too old or too young to menstruate, in Arabic called ''iddah'' (the stipulated waiting period). So we are told in this verse normally women should wait three monthly periods, but if she's too old or too young to menstruate then you should simply measure by three moon phases. From {{Quran|33|49}} it is understood that the Iddah is required only if sexual contact has occurred within the marriage. If a woman is not touched by her husband, she should not have to observe any waiting period at all. Hence for a child who has not yet reached her menses having to observe the Iddah must mean that sexual intercourse had already taken place within her previous marriage. For further details, see: [[Pedophilia in the Qur'an]]</ref>
Коранът не е биография на Мухаммад. По име той е споменат само четири пъти в Корана.<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_times_was_the_name_of_the_holy_prophet_Muhammad_mentioned_in_Quran|2=2011-10-24}} Колко пъти е споменат светият Пророк в Корана?(<small>Англ.</small>)] - Answers.com, accessed 24-ти Октомври, 2011г.</ref> The Qur'an is not a historical narrative and without the [[Hadiths]] and [[Islam_and_Scripture#Sira|Sirat]] (which are accepted by the majority of the world's Muslims and Islamic scholars) there would be no [[Five Pillars of Islam|Five Pillars]], Islam as Muslims know it would be unrecognizable, and there would be little<ref>Much like the hadith literature and prophetic biographies, the early non-Muslim references to Muhammad that do exist seem to paint a very negative picture of him. For example; the ''Doctrina Jacobi'' portrays him as a bandit, and the Mandaeans' ''[[Haran Gawaitha]]'' depicts him as the "Son-of-Slaughter, the Arab" converting "people to himself by the sword."</ref> to no historical evidence that a person known as Prophet Muhammad ever existed. Therefore they [[Qur'an Only Islam - Why it is Not Possible|cannot be ignored]].  Furthermore, the Qur'an itself  [[Pedophilia in the Qur'an|permits pedophilia]] in verse 65:4.<ref>According to the Qur'an, one can marry and have sexual intercourse with a child who has not yet reached her menses. In {{Quran|65|4}}, the Qur'an addresses divorce and how long one should wait for remarriage after the divorce of females who are too old or too young to menstruate, in Arabic called ''iddah'' (the stipulated waiting period). So we are told in this verse normally women should wait three monthly periods, but if she's too old or too young to menstruate then you should simply measure by three moon phases. From {{Quran|33|49}} it is understood that the Iddah is required only if sexual contact has occurred within the marriage. If a woman is not touched by her husband, she should not have to observe any waiting period at all. Hence for a child who has not yet reached her menses having to observe the Iddah must mean that sexual intercourse had already taken place within her previous marriage. For further details, see: [[Pedophilia in the Qur'an]]</ref>

====Allah's purpose for the marriage was not sex, Aisha was a great scholar who narrated important hadiths====
====Allah's purpose for the marriage was not sex, Aisha was a great scholar who narrated important hadiths====