Бийте жените си или „отделете се от тях“ (Коран 4:34): Разлика между версии

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[[File:4-34-arabic.png|thumb|290px|(Pictured above) Qur'an verse 4:34 in Arabic script.<BR>According to the majority of Qur'anic translators and the Arabic lexicon<ref name="arabic-lexicon">[http://lexicons.sakhr.com/html/7071942.html Arabic Lexicon] (page in Arabic language)</ref>, the Arabic phrase ''Idri-boo-hunna'' which appears in Qur'an 4:34 (highlighted in blue) means "beat them".]]
[[File:4-34-arabic.png|thumb|290px|(Pictured above) Qur'an verse 4:34 in Arabic script.<BR>According to the majority of Qur'anic translators and the Arabic lexicon<ref name="arabic-lexicon">[http://lexicons.sakhr.com/html/7071942.html Arabic Lexicon] (page in Arabic language)</ref>, the Arabic phrase ''Idri-boo-hunna'' which appears in Qur'an 4:34 (highlighted in blue) means "beat them".]]
This article analyzes the apologetic claim that the [[Qur'an]] ([[surah]] 4:34) does not tell men "to beat them (i.e. their wives)," but rather to "separate from them" or to "strike them out."
Тази статия анализира твърдението на апологетите, че кораничният стих 4:34 не повелява на мъжете „да ги бият (съпругите си), но по-скоро да се „отделят от тях“ или да ги „ударят“.

This article was written by non-Muslim Arabs in response to the strange translation of the verb ''darb'' (meaning "hit" "beat" or "strike") that has been presented on a few [[websites]] which claim to have "modern" translations of the [[Qur'an]].<ref>Such as [http://free-minds.org Free-Minds.org] and [http://progressive-muslims.org Progressive-Muslims.org]</ref>  
Тази статия е написана от арабин, който не е мюсюлманин, в отговор на странния превод на глагола  darb (означаващ „удрям“, „бия“ и „нанасям удар“), който бива представян от някои уебсайтове, претендиращи, че представят „съвременни“ преводи на Корана.<ref>Such as [http://free-minds.org Free-Minds.org] and [http://progressive-muslims.org Progressive-Muslims.org]</ref>  

There is no argument made here against progressive thinking, this is something that should be encouraged. The objection and the need to respond lay in the fact that, rarely, are these arguments used in an attempt to "reform" [[Islam]]. It is only logical to conclude that you cannot reform something if you deny there was ever a problem with it to begin with.
There is no argument made here against progressive thinking, this is something that should be encouraged. The objection and the need to respond lay in the fact that, rarely, are these arguments used in an attempt to "reform" [[Islam]]. It is only logical to conclude that you cannot reform something if you deny there was ever a problem with it to begin with.