Отговори на защитниците: Мухаммад и Аиша: Разлика между версии

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Ред 148: Ред 148:
Както и с педофилията, действията на Мухаммад са [[Робство|узаконили съществуването на робството]], като са го легитимирали в исляма. Мухаммад е бил търговец на роби.<ref>"''Mohammed had many male and female slaves. He used to buy and sell them, but he purchased more slaves than he sold, especially after God empowered him by His message, as well as after his immigration from Mecca. He once sold one black slave for two. His name was Jacob al-Mudbir. His purchases of slaves were more than he sold. He was used to renting out and hiring many slaves, but he hired more slaves than he rented out.''" - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, "Zad al-Ma'ad", part 1, page 160</ref> Той не само е притежавал много роби от мъжки<ref>"''These are the names of Muhammad's male slaves: Yakan Abu Sharh, Aflah, 'Ubayd, Dhakwan, Tahman, Mirwan, Hunayn, Sanad, Fadala Yamamin, Anjasha al-Hadi, Mad'am, Karkara, Abu Rafi', Thawban, Ab Kabsha, Salih, Rabah, Yara Nubyan, Fadila, Waqid, Mabur, Abu Waqid, Kasam, Abu 'Ayb, Abu Muwayhiba, Zayd Ibn Haritha, and also a black slave called Mahran, who was re-named (by Muhammad) Safina (`ship')''" - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, "Zad al-Ma'ad", part 1, Pages 114-116</ref> и женски пол<ref>"''Muhammad's Maid Slaves "are Salma Um Rafi', Maymuna daughter of Abu Asib, Maymuna daughter of Sa'd, Khadra, Radwa, Razina, Um Damira, Rayhana, Mary the Coptic, in addition to two other maid-slaves, one of them given to him as a present by his cousin, Zaynab, and the other one captured in a war.''" - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, "Zad al-Ma'ad", part 1, Pages 114-116</ref> но той също така е пленявал, продавал и е правил секс <ref>"''....Waqidi has informed us that Abu Bakr has narrated that the messenger of Allah (PBUH) had sexual intercourse with Mariyyah [his Coptic slave] in the house of Hafsah....''" - Tabaqat v. 8 p. 223 Publisher Entesharat-e Farhang va Andisheh Tehran 1382 solar h ( 2003) Translator Dr. Mohammad Mahdavi Damghan</ref> със своите робини. Дори Билал, прочутият „черен мюсюлманин“, е бил купен в замяна на роб-немюсюлманин.<ref>"''A rock was put on a slave's chest. When Abu Bakr complained, they said, 'You are the one who corrupted him, so save him from his plight.' I will do so,' said Bakr. 'I have a black slave, tougher and stronger than Bilal, who is a heathen. I will exchange him. The transaction was carried out.''" - Ishaq:144</ref>
Както и с педофилията, действията на Мухаммад са [[Робство|узаконили съществуването на робството]], като са го легитимирали в исляма. Мухаммад е бил търговец на роби.<ref>"''Mohammed had many male and female slaves. He used to buy and sell them, but he purchased more slaves than he sold, especially after God empowered him by His message, as well as after his immigration from Mecca. He once sold one black slave for two. His name was Jacob al-Mudbir. His purchases of slaves were more than he sold. He was used to renting out and hiring many slaves, but he hired more slaves than he rented out.''" - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, "Zad al-Ma'ad", part 1, page 160</ref> Той не само е притежавал много роби от мъжки<ref>"''These are the names of Muhammad's male slaves: Yakan Abu Sharh, Aflah, 'Ubayd, Dhakwan, Tahman, Mirwan, Hunayn, Sanad, Fadala Yamamin, Anjasha al-Hadi, Mad'am, Karkara, Abu Rafi', Thawban, Ab Kabsha, Salih, Rabah, Yara Nubyan, Fadila, Waqid, Mabur, Abu Waqid, Kasam, Abu 'Ayb, Abu Muwayhiba, Zayd Ibn Haritha, and also a black slave called Mahran, who was re-named (by Muhammad) Safina (`ship')''" - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, "Zad al-Ma'ad", part 1, Pages 114-116</ref> и женски пол<ref>"''Muhammad's Maid Slaves "are Salma Um Rafi', Maymuna daughter of Abu Asib, Maymuna daughter of Sa'd, Khadra, Radwa, Razina, Um Damira, Rayhana, Mary the Coptic, in addition to two other maid-slaves, one of them given to him as a present by his cousin, Zaynab, and the other one captured in a war.''" - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, "Zad al-Ma'ad", part 1, Pages 114-116</ref> но той също така е пленявал, продавал и е правил секс <ref>"''....Waqidi has informed us that Abu Bakr has narrated that the messenger of Allah (PBUH) had sexual intercourse with Mariyyah [his Coptic slave] in the house of Hafsah....''" - Tabaqat v. 8 p. 223 Publisher Entesharat-e Farhang va Andisheh Tehran 1382 solar h ( 2003) Translator Dr. Mohammad Mahdavi Damghan</ref> със своите робини. Дори Билал, прочутият „черен мюсюлманин“, е бил купен в замяна на роб-немюсюлманин.<ref>"''A rock was put on a slave's chest. When Abu Bakr complained, they said, 'You are the one who corrupted him, so save him from his plight.' I will do so,' said Bakr. 'I have a black slave, tougher and stronger than Bilal, who is a heathen. I will exchange him. The transaction was carried out.''" - Ishaq:144</ref>

====People lived shorter life spans back then, a 9 year old girl would be comparable to a 20 year old today====
====Продължителността на живота е била по-кратка в миналото, 9-годишното момиче от тогава се равнява на съвременна 20-годишна жена====

This is a false argument based on the conflation of two different things. ''Life expectancy'', which refers to the average length of life from birth, lowered in the past by very high rates of infant mortality. And the ''average lifespan'', which looks at how long people lived once they had passed the infant stage.
Това е грешен аргумент, построен от сливането на две различни неща. Очакваната средна продължителността на живота е била по-ниска в миналото заради високите стойности на детската смъртност. А фактическата средна продължителност на живота измерва колко дълго са живели хората, след като са надживяли детския период.

So, when apologists claim,"people lived shorter life spans," it does not mean people in the past lived an accelerated life cycle. It means that more of them died as children than do today.
И така, когато апологетите твърдят, че „хората си имали по-кратък живот“, това не означава, че хората в миналото са имали по-ускорен жизнен цикъл. То означава, че по-голяма част от тях са умирали като деца в сравнение с наши дни.

For example, if a society had a ''life expectancy'' of 35 years, this does not mean that a person of 35 years was considered to be old. If they managed to live past their childhood years, they still had a very good chance of continuing on to that society's ''average lifespan'', which could have been 60 or 70 years of age. What it does mean, is that so many children died at birth, or at 5, or at 11 years of age that it brought the average ''life expectancy'' down.
Например ако едно общество има очаквана средна продължителност на живота от 35 години, това не означава, че 35-годишният човек е бил смятан за стар. Ако хората са успявали да надживеят детските си години, те са имали много добър шанс да продължат до фактическата средна продължителност на живота на обществото, коятo може да бъде 60 или 70 години. Т.е. това означава, че заради многото деца, починали при раждането или на 5 години, или на 11 години, очаквната средна продължителност на живота е била ниска.

A nine year old girl in 7<sup>th</sup> century Arabia would absolutely not "be comparable to a 20 year old today." She would still be just a nine year old girl.
Едно 9-годишно момиче в Арабия от 7<sup>ми</sup> век по никакъв начин не може да се сравнява със „съвременна 20-годишна жена“. Тя си е била просто едно 9-годишно момиче.

Additionally, Muhammad lived to the age of 63 years, Aisha to 66, Asma bint Abu Bakr to 100, Khadijah to 64 and Abu Bakr to 61. Do these seem like shorter lives?
В допълнение Мухаммад е живял до 63 години, Аиша до 66, Асма бинт Абу Бакр до 100, Хадиджа до 64, а Абу Бакр до 61. Да не би това да изглеждат като по-кратки животи?

Even today in developed countries, someone who reaches the age of 60 is considered old, and rarely do people reach the age of 100. If you knew your daughter would die like Aisha at 66, would that make it okay for her to have sex at the age of 9 with a 54 year old man?
Дори и днес в развитите страни, когато човек стигне до 60-годишна възраст бива считан за стар, а рядко хората достигат до 100-годишна възраст. Ако знаехте, че дъщеря ви ще умре като Аиша на 66 години, този факт щеше ли да ви подтикне да одобрите тя да прави секс на 9-годишна възраст с 54-годишен мъж?

====All religious founders were products of their time. We cannot judge Muhammad by today's standards====
====All religious founders were products of their time. We cannot judge Muhammad by today's standards====