Доклад на Ибн Уарак: Вероотстъпничеството и човешките права: Разлика между версии

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Ред 22: Ред 22:

Abu Dawud has collected the following saying of the Prophet:
Abu Dawud has collected the following saying of the Prophet:
" 'Ikrimah said: Ali burned some people who retreated from Islam. When Ibn Abbas was informed of it he said, 'If it had been I, I would not have them burned, for the apostle of Allah said: 'Do not inflict Allah's punishment on anyone.' But would have killed them on account of the statement of the Apostle of Allah, 'Kill those who change their religion.' "<ref>Abu Dawud , Sunan , Trans.Ahmad Hasan , Vol.3 , Kitab al-Hudud , chap.1605, Punishment of an Apostate, Hadith No. 4337 (Delhi 1990), p.1212.</ref>
" 'Ikrimah said: Ali burned some people who retreated from Islam. When Ibn Abbas was informed of it he said, 'If it had been I, I would not have them burned, for the apostle of Allah said: 'Do not inflict Allah's punishment on anyone.' But would have killed them on account of the statement of the Apostle of Allah, 'Kill those who change their religion.' "<ref>[[Абу Дауд]], Сунан, прев. от Ахмад Хасан, том 3, Китаб ал-Худуд, гл. 1605, Наказанието за вероотстъпника, Хадис номер 4337 (Делхи, 1990 г.), стр. 1212.</ref>

In other words, kill the apostates (with the sword) but certainly not by burning them, that is Allah's way of punishing transgressors in the next world. According to a tradition of Aisha's, apostates are to be slain, crucified or banished.<ref>al-Nisai , Tahrim al-Dam , bab 11; Qasama , Bab 13 ; Abu Dawud , Hudud , bab 1</ref> Should the apostate be given a chance to repent? Traditions differ enormously. In one tradition, Muadh Jabal refused to sit down until an apostate brought before him had been killed "in accordance with the decision of God and of His Apostle."<ref>Al-Bukhari , Maghazi bab 60 ; Istitabat al-Murtaddin , bab 2 ; Ahkam , bab 12 ; Muslim , Imara , tr. 15 ; Abu Dawud, Hudud , bab 1 ; Ibn Hanba,l, v. 231.</ref>
In other words, kill the apostates (with the sword) but certainly not by burning them, that is Allah's way of punishing transgressors in the next world. According to a tradition of Aisha's, apostates are to be slain, crucified or banished.<ref>Ал-[[Нисаи]], Тахрим ал-Дам, гл. 11; Касама, гл. 13; [[Абу Дауд]], Худуд, гл. 1</ref> Should the apostate be given a chance to repent? Traditions differ enormously. In one tradition, Muadh Jabal refused to sit down until an apostate brought before him had been killed "in accordance with the decision of God and of His Apostle."<ref>[[Сахих Бухари|Ал-Бухари]], Магази гл. 60; Иститабат ал-Муртаддин, гл. 2; Ахкам, гл. 12; [[Муслим]], Имара, гл. 15; [[Абу Дауд]], Худуд, гл. 1; Ибн Ханбал, I, ст. 231</ref>

Under Muslim law, the male apostate must be put to death, as long as he is an adult, and in full possession of his faculties. If a pubescent boy apostatises, he is imprisoned until he comes of age, when if he persists in rejecting Islam he must be put to death. Drunkards and the mentally disturbed are not held responsible for their apostasy. If a person has acted under compulsion he is not considered an apostate, his wife is not divorced and his lands are not forfeited. According to Hanafis and Shia, a woman is imprisoned until she repents and adopts Islam once more, but according to the influential Ibn Hanbal, and the Malikis and Shafiites , she is also put to death. In general, execution must be by the sword, though there are examples of apostates tortured to death, or strangled, burnt, drowned, impaled or flayed. The caliph Umar used to tie them to a post and had lances thrust into their hearts, and the Sultan Baybars II (1308-09) made torture legal.
Under Muslim law, the male apostate must be put to death, as long as he is an adult, and in full possession of his faculties. If a pubescent boy apostatises, he is imprisoned until he comes of age, when if he persists in rejecting Islam he must be put to death. Drunkards and the mentally disturbed are not held responsible for their apostasy. If a person has acted under compulsion he is not considered an apostate, his wife is not divorced and his lands are not forfeited. According to Hanafis and Shia, a woman is imprisoned until she repents and adopts Islam once more, but according to the influential Ibn Hanbal, and the Malikis and Shafiites , she is also put to death. In general, execution must be by the sword, though there are examples of apostates tortured to death, or strangled, burnt, drowned, impaled or flayed. The caliph Umar used to tie them to a post and had lances thrust into their hearts, and the Sultan Baybars II (1308-09) made torture legal.