Окончателното послание на Корана: Разлика между версии

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{{essay|Khalil Fariel}}
{{essay|Khalil Fariel}}
Целта на тази статия е да покаже дали Пророкът Мухаммад е възнамерявал  ислямът да бъде средство за мир или двигател на насилие.
Целта на тази статия е да покаже дали Пророкът Мухаммад е възнамерявал  ислямът да бъде средство за мир или двигател на насилие.
== Surah Nine==
== 9-та сура==
Chapter 9 of the [[Qur'an]]- ''Al Taubah'' (Repentance) is considered to be the closing remarks of [[Allah]]. The only Surah (chapter‎) said to have been revealed after this is ''Al Nasr'' (Victory), which consists of only a few verses. Considering the apparent militant disposition of Islam; it should not come as a big surprise to learn that this final chapter is not at all about making peace among the people, but about dividing it into the domain of believers ([[Dar al-Islam]]) and unbelievers (dar al-kufr) with the aim of preserving endless enmity between the two. Provided it is read in context, this chapter is essential for non-Muslims who would like to know what Allah commands of Muslims in their affairs. [[Sahih]] Muslim testifies to this being the last chapter revealed by the God of Muhammad:
Девета глава от [[Сура и Аят|Корана]]- ''Ал Тауба'' (Покаянието) се смята за заключителните бележки на [[Аллах (определение)|Аллах]]. Единствената сура (глава), за която се твърди, че е разкрита след нея, е ''Ал Наср'' (Победата), която съдържа само няколко стиха. Като отчетем очевидната войнствена нагласа на исляма, за нас няма да бъде голяма изненада ако научим, че тази последна глава в никакъв случай не говори за установяването на мир сред хората, но разглежда тяхното разделяне на вярващи (Дар ал-Ислам) и невярващи (дар ал-куфр), като целта е да се запази безкрайна враждебност между тях. При условие че бъде прочетена в контекст, тази глава е от съществено значение за немюсюлманите, които биха искали да научат какво заповядва Аллах на мюсюлманите за техните дела. [[Сахих]] [[Муслим]] свидетелства, че това е последната глава, разкрита от Аллах на Мухаммад:

{{Quote|{{Muslim|11|3941}}|Abu Ishaq said that he heard al-Bara' b 'Azib (Allah be pleased with him) say: The last complete sura revealed (in the Holy Qur'an) is Sura tauba (i e. al-Bara'at, ix.), and the last verse revealed is that pertaining to '''Kalala'''.}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|11|3941}}|Абу Исхак каза, че е чул Ал-Бараб б‘Азиб (Аллах да го благослови) да казва: Последната пълна сура, разкрита (в Свещения Коран) е Сура Тауба (т.е. Ал-Бараат, IX.), а последният разкрит стих е този, който се отнася за '''Калала'''.}}
{{Quote|{{Quran|4|176}}|(*They ask you for a legal verdict. Say: "Allah directs (thus) about Al-Kalalah- )|}}
{{Quote|{{Quran|4|176}}|(И те молят да постановиш. Кажи: “Аллах ви постановява за умрелите без деца и бащи. Почине ли мъж и не е имал дете, а е имал сестра, нейно е половината от онова, което е оставил, а и той я наследява, ако не е имала дете. А щом са две, за тях са две третини от онова, което е оставил. А щом са повече братя и сестри, за мъжкото е дял, колкото за две женски.” Аллах ви обяснява, за да не се заблудите. Аллах знае всяко нещо.

=== Analysis ===
<small>Транслитерация:</small> Йестефтунек(йестефтунеке), кулиллаху юфтикум фил келалех(келалети) инимруун хелеке лейсе леху уелед(уеледун, уе леху ухтун фе леха ...))|}}

This chapter defines how Muslims should treat unbelievers; the code of conduct Muslims ought to observe when dealing with someone outside of the sphere of their own belief system. It sums up the underlying message of Qur'an since it is considered to be the concluding remarks of its author. There is little wonder such a large percentage of [[Muslim Statistics|Muslim's support terror]] and persecution of others, After all, this chapter is filled with the marching orders of Allah, inciting offensive onslaughts on unbelievers, and if the closing remarks of Allah is all about fighting endlessly to subjugate and humiliate others, no rationale can thwart the conclusion reached; the entire message of the Qur'an as reflected in this chapter is not for peace, but for war against others. The historical context of this Surah is described by the famous Qur'anic commentator Abul A’ala Madudi in his “Tafhim al Qur'an”:
=== Анализ ===
Тази глава определя как мюсюлманите трябва да се отнасят към неверниците; това е кодексът на поведение, който мюсюлманите трябва да съблюдават, когато общуват с някой външен за сферата на тяхната верова система. Тя обобщава основното послание на Корана, защото бива смятана за заключителните бележки на нейния автор. Не е чудно, че толкова голям процент от мюсюлманите подкрепят насилието и преследването на другите хора. В крайна сметка тази глава съдържа последните заповеди на Аллах, подбужда агресивно отношение към невярващите и ако заключителните бележки на Аллах са свързани с безкрайна война, за да се покорят и унижат другите, никакво разумно обяснение не може да опровергае това заключение; цялото послание на Корана, както е отразено в тази глава, не е за мир, а за война срещу другите. Историческият констекст на тази сура е описан от прочутия кораничен коментатор Абул Аала Маудиди в неговата книга  “Тафхим ал Коран”:

{{Quote|[http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/crcc/engagement/resources/texts/muslim/maududi/mau9.html Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi: Tafhim al Qur'an: At-Taubah]|Consider the historical background of the Sura. The series of events that have been discussed in this Sura took place after the Peace Treaty of Hudaibiyah. By that time one-third of Arabia had come under the sway of Islam which had established itself as a powerful well organized and civilized Islamic State. This Treaty afforded further opportunities to Islam to spread its influence in the comparatively peaceful atmosphere created by it. After this Treaty two events took place which led to very important results.}}
{{Quote|[http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/crcc/engagement/resources/texts/muslim/maududi/mau9.html Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi: Tafhim al Qur'an: At-Taubah]|Consider the historical background of the Sura. The series of events that have been discussed in this Sura took place after the Peace Treaty of Hudaibiyah. By that time one-third of Arabia had come under the sway of Islam which had established itself as a powerful well organized and civilized Islamic State. This Treaty afforded further opportunities to Islam to spread its influence in the comparatively peaceful atmosphere created by it. After this Treaty two events took place which led to very important results.}}
Ред 89: Ред 91:
#Killing pig can be another allegory. It may be pointing to Jews, because according to the Qur'an; Jews were once turned into apes and pigs ({{Quran|5|60}}). Many Muslims today consider Jews as descendents of apes and pigs. Moreover, Muhammad’s utter hatred for Jews would have forced him to label Jews as pigs and he satisfies himself in saying “Jesus will descend prior to resurrection day to kill all Jews” More remarkable here is Muhammad's ignorance of other religions that would endure until the resurrection day. His mind's eye limited to Judaism and Christianity only. For him, pagans were all defeated in the Arabian land, but he doesn’t seem to be aware of the polytheistic religions that were still in practice all over the world apart from the Arabian Peninsula.  
#Killing pig can be another allegory. It may be pointing to Jews, because according to the Qur'an; Jews were once turned into apes and pigs ({{Quran|5|60}}). Many Muslims today consider Jews as descendents of apes and pigs. Moreover, Muhammad’s utter hatred for Jews would have forced him to label Jews as pigs and he satisfies himself in saying “Jesus will descend prior to resurrection day to kill all Jews” More remarkable here is Muhammad's ignorance of other religions that would endure until the resurrection day. His mind's eye limited to Judaism and Christianity only. For him, pagans were all defeated in the Arabian land, but he doesn’t seem to be aware of the polytheistic religions that were still in practice all over the world apart from the Arabian Peninsula.  
#Muhammad swearing on Jesus abolishing the Jizya, gives us further evidence his orders to fight infidels are not time bounded but protracts to the end of times. His call for [[Jihad]] was not limited in time nor were they forced by circumstances. It was to carry through the offensive fight to subjugate nation after nation under the bloody sword of Islam. Practical though he was; (as he could not even imagine a world without unbelievers like Jews and Christians) Muslims are duty bound to stretch beyond the borders of nations and to continue the 'good' fight until the resurrection day.
#Muhammad swearing on Jesus abolishing the Jizya, gives us further evidence his orders to fight infidels are not time bounded but protracts to the end of times. His call for [[Jihad]] was not limited in time nor were they forced by circumstances. It was to carry through the offensive fight to subjugate nation after nation under the bloody sword of Islam. Practical though he was; (as he could not even imagine a world without unbelievers like Jews and Christians) Muslims are duty bound to stretch beyond the borders of nations and to continue the 'good' fight until the resurrection day.