Некрофилията в исляма: Разлика между версии

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==The Quran==
There doesn't seem to be any verse supporting or denouncing necrophilia. There are some general rules, to be "just" and "don't commit bad deeds", but since pedophilia in Islam is ok, we can't be sure necrophilia isn't.  
Изглежда, че няма някакъв конкретен стих, който да подкрепя или разобличава некрофилията. Съществуват някои общи правила, да бъдеш „праведен“ и „да не вършиш лоши неща“, но понеже [[Ислям и педофилия|педофилията в исляма е позволена]], то не можем да бъдем сигурни, че некрофилията не е.  

Unlike the prohibition on pork, a prohibition on necrophilia was NOT mentioned in the Quran. It's worth nothing that there is a verse telling Muslims not to say something is haram, when Allah did not make it haram:
За разлика от забраната за ядене на свинско месо, в Корана НЕ Е спомената забрана на некрофилията. Наличието на стих, който казва на мюсюлманите да не казват, че нещо е харам, когато Аллах не го е направил харам, няма стойност:
And '''do not say''' about what your tongues assert of untruth, "This is lawful and '''this is unlawful'''," to invent falsehood about Allah . Indeed, those who invent falsehood about Allah will not succeed.
И '''не изричайте лъжата''' която езиците ви описват: “Това е позволено, а '''това е възбранено''', за да не измисляте лъжа за Аллах. Които измислят лъжа за Аллах, те не ще сполучат.

Ibn Kathir explains the verse as such:
[[Ибн Катир]] обяснява този стих по следния начин:
{{Quote|Tafsir Ibn Kathir on the verse 16:116|
{{Quote|Tafsir Ibn Kathir on the verse 16:116|
(And do not describe what your tongues have lied about, saying: "This is lawful and this is forbidden", to invent lies against Allah.) '''This includes everyone who comes up with an innovation (Bid`ah) for which he has no evidence from the Shari`ah''', or whoever declares something lawful that Allah has forbidden, or '''whoever declares something unlawful that Allah has permitted, only because it suits his opinions''' or whim to do so.
(And do not describe what your tongues have lied about, saying: "This is lawful and this is forbidden", to invent lies against Allah.) '''This includes everyone who comes up with an innovation (Bid`ah) for which he has no evidence from the Shari`ah''', or whoever declares something lawful that Allah has forbidden, or '''whoever declares something unlawful that Allah has permitted, only because it suits his opinions''' or whim to do so.
Ред 16: Ред 16:

So claiming that necrophilia is haram could be considered a bid'ah (innovation), which is a sin in Islam.
So claiming that necrophilia is haram could be considered a bid'ah (innovation), which is a sin in Islam.
There are some hadiths that some people interpreted as condoning pedophilia:
There are some hadiths that some people interpreted as condoning pedophilia: