Тази статия е предназначена най-вече за немюсюлмани и ще бъде написана по биографичен начин, като следваме непосредствено живота на Мухаммад. Ще обясним в хронологичен ред неговите „откровения“, делата му и как те са се отразили на ислямските вярвания. Ще се позоваваме главно върху ислямското учение и ислямските коментари, дело на самите мюсюлмани, а където е необходимо ще даваме по-подробни обяснения.

Но преди да се заровим в писанията ще започнем с едно основно въведение, последвано от дискусия за тероризма и ще завършим с темата за религията и мюсюлманите.


Мюсюлманите вярват, че ислямът е последната от авраамистичните монотеистични религии, която по вярванията на мюсюлманите е била разкрита на Мухаммад от Аллах чрез ангела Джебраил и е била написана в Корана. Мюсюлманите вярват, че Мухаммад е бил последният пророк на Аллах и съвършеният човек, на когото трябва да се подражава ревностно от всички мюсюлмани във всички времена. Сунната, която представлява Мухаммадовия начин на живот и е предписаният начин на живот за мюсюлманите, е била разкрита на мюсюлманите чрез животописа на Мухаммад, наречен „Хадиси“.

Със своите около 1,5 милиарда последователи ислямът е втората по големина религия в света.[1] Под управлението на Мухаммад и неговите наследници, ислямът се разпространява бързо чрез религиозна конверсия и военни завоевания (джихад).


Лиссан ал-Араб, един от най-авторитетните речници по арабски език, казва, че думата „ислям“ произлиза от корена на глагола истаслама (استسلاما); което означава „подчинявам се“ или „покорявам се“ или „предавам се“, докато селям (سلام) означава „мир“, „примирие“ или „невоюваща държава“.

Думата Ислям произлиза от арабския триконсонантен корен (син-лам-мим) (СЛМ [ س ل م ]). Много различни думи са създадени от този корен чрез добавяне на различни гласни между трите съгласни на корена. Много хора грешно заключават, че ако две арабски думи имат общ корен, тогава техните значения са свързани, докато всъщност фактът, че някои думи имат общ корен, не предполага връзка между значенията на думите. Например всички тези думи произлиза от корена С-Л-М:

Word Arabic Meaning
Islam اسلام Submission
Salam سلام Well-being/Peace
(Derivation of) Salama سلما The stinging of a snake or the tanning of the leather
Saleema سليما To be saved or to escape from danger (when refering to a female)
Saleem سليم To be saved or to escape from danger (when refering to a male)
Aslam اسلم To submit
Istaslama استسلاما To surrender
Musal مسل Undisputed
Tasleem تسليم To receive a salutation or becoming submitted
Many people have wrongly attempted to equate the word Islam with peace by showing that Islam, meaning 'submission', shares a root word with Salaam, meaning 'peace'. But if such relationships between the meanings of Arabic words can be created then that would imply that there is a relationship between one of the derivations of the infinitive Salama, meaning the stinging of the snake or tanning the leather, and Salam, meaning peace; a relationship which obviously does not exist.


It must first be recognized that not all Muslims are terrorists and that not all terrorists are Muslim. There are terrorists and terrorist organizations that are non-Muslim and there are many Muslims who do not commit terrorist acts. Furthermore, not all terrorist acts that are committed by Muslims are motivated by Islam. What we are interested in is terrorism that has Islam as one of its primary motivations.

We will distinguish between terrorism committed by Muslims and Islamic terrorism, that is, terrorism that has Islam as one of its primary motivations. Clearly all Islamic terrorism is terrorism committed by Muslims, but it is not correct to say that all terrorism committed by Muslims is Islamic terrorism. Some terrorist acts that are committed by Muslims do not have Islam as one of their primary motivators.

There are many misconceptions about the causes of Islamic terrorism, such as that Islamic terrorism is caused by poverty or geopolitical tensions. Although these are popular beliefs they are not the reality. For instance, poverty is often said to be the cause of Islamic terrorism but this argument ignores the fact that Islamic terrorism transcends economic lines to include the wealthy Osama bin Laden, the middle class like many European Islamic terrorists, and the poor like many Palestinians. Marc Sageman, from the Foreign Policy Research Institute, writes:

There is no "war on terrorism"; Islamic terrorism is a symptom of a much deeper problem within Islamic scripture.

Modern critiques of Islam include accusations that it is intolerant of criticism and that Islamic law is too hard on apostates. After a detailed project undertaken to study Islam, Qur'an and Hadiths, the Pentagon has concluded that "Islam is an ideological engine of war (Jihad)."[2] [3]Critics such as Robert Spencer and Ibn Warraq question the morality of the Qur'an; for example, they say that its contents both justify the ill-treatment of women and encourage antisemitic remarks by Muslim theologians.

Pre-Islamic Arabia

The Arabian peninsula can be divided into two contrasting climatic regions. The South along the coast receives regular rainfall and has abundant plant life, while the north consists of an inhospitable desert with few rivers which resulted in its people living lives that were far more isolated than the lives of the southerners. This Southern region is occupied by Sabaeans who developed successful and advanced civilizations, but by the seventh century this region had fallen into disarray.

The North-East is especially inhospitable with little water and little plant life, except for the date palm. It has a barren desert environment with extremes in climate that vary from warm to extremely hot and life is at a subsistence level. Due to its harsh environment this area has been inhabited by Bedouin Arabs who are nomadic pastors that have lived in small tribal groups for most of their history. Further to the West along the coast there existed oases that were occupied by prosperous sedentary Arabs who themselves had once been Bedouins Arabs. Due to the importance of this land, all parts of these oases were possessed by sedentary Arabs thereby forcing the Bedouins Arabs to live in the interior of the peninsula, away from the coasts.

In the Bedouin Arab society, women were dehumanized, and child marriages and female infanticide were common. With life as an on-going struggle against the forces of nature that comprise of desert storms and a bleak and monotonous environment, the mental make-up of the Bedouin Arabs has been shaped by the dictum of kill or be killed, even before Islam was founded.

This has been the psyche of the Bedouin Arabs who inhabited the inner Arabian peninsula. The people who came from the same stock and who lived further north in Mesopotamia had a different geographic and climatic environment. They developed advanced riparian civilizations on the banks of the Farath (Euphrates) and Tigra (Tigris) rivers. The Babylonian and Assyrian civilizations of Hamm-ur-rabi, Assur-bin-ipal and Nabu-chad-nazar, were developed by the same Semitic people who lived in peninsular Arabia. So the temperament of a same ethnic people (the Arabs) could be entirely different, depending on the environment in which they resided.

Arabian Religions, Mecca, and the Quraysh

One of the most important economic and religious cities in pre-Islamic Arabia was the city of Mecca. Mecca was home to the Ka'bah, a giant cube that was central to pagan worship and which once housed dozens of pagan Gods, the most prominent of which were Allah and his three daughters al-Uzza, al-Lat, and Manat. Mecca's central role in Arabian pagan religion supplied the city with many pilgrims and traders and allowed it to become a prosperous center of trade. The pagan Quraysh tribe was the most prominent and influential tribe in Mecca, and it was to this tribe that Mohammed was born.

Christians and Jews also lived in Arabia. Christians lived around Najran, modern day Yemen, and groups of Christians who had left the Byzantine Empire were scattered around Arabia. The Lakhid kingdom in Norther Arabia and the Ghassanid kingdom in northwestern Arabia were also Christian; and there were powerful and important Jewish tribes in the Khaybar oasis and Yemen. In Medina there were three powerful Jewish tribes: Banu Nadir, Banu Qurayzah and Banu Qaynuqa.

See Also

Components of Islam

Other Articles

Core Articles

Core articles contain an overview of other articles related to a specific issue, and serve as a starting point for anyone wishing to learn about Islam:

References and Citations

  1. Teece, Geoff. Religion in Focus: Islam. Smart Apple Media. p. 10, 2005. 
  2. Template error: argument титла is required. 
  3. Template error: argument титла is required.