Мауду (фалшиви хадиси)

Тази статия разглежда и изрежда слабите и фалшивите(мауду - арб.език) хадиси.

Разказване на непроверени хадиси

Някои апологети са започнали да отхвърлят сахих(автентичните) и хасан (добрите) хадиси (например разказите за 72-те девственици в Рая) за сметка на мауду (фалшиви) или даиф (слаби) разкази. Някои от тези хадиси са очевидни фалшификации, които нямат никакъв писмен източник. Пропагандирането на такива хадиси за мюсюлманина означава да приписва лъжа на Пророка Мухаммад, следователно това е голям грях, който заслужава адския огън.

Сахих (автентични, достоверни) хадиси

Разказва Али:
Пророкът каза: „Не изричайте лъжи за мен, защото който изрече лъжа за мен (преднамерено), ще влезе със сигурност в Адския огън“.
Сахих Бухари - 1:3:106(англ.), Вижте също: Сахих Бухари - 1:3:108(англ.), Сахих Бухари - 1:3:109(англ.) и Сахих Бухари - 1:3:110(англ.)
Разказва Абдулла бин Аз-Зубаир:
Рекох на баща ми: „Защо не чувам от теб никакъв разказ (хадис) за Пратеника на Аллах, както чувам (разкази за него) от този и този?“. Аз-Зубаир отговори: „Аз бях винаги с него (Пророка) и го чух да казва: „Който изрече лъжа за мен (преднамерено), (със сигурност) ще заеме своето място в Адския огън.““


Въпрос: Какво е правилото относно разказването на истории, които съм чул, но нямам представа за тяхната автентичност, за целта на дауа (проповедта) пред някои хора и съответно – разказването на истории, за които знам, че са фалшиви (лъжа)? И какво е правилото относно разказването на хадис, за който не съм наясно дали е достоверен или е слаб?

Отговор: Не е позволено на човек, на разказвач или на такъв, който дава съвети, да разказва хадис и да го приписва на Пратеника на Аллах (сал-Аллаху ‘алайхе уа саллам), ако не знае дали е достоверен. И също така не му е позволено да разказва хадис, за който знае, че е слаб. Все пак ако той разкаже слаб хадис, за да изясни неговата слабост и да предупреди хората за това, тогава това е задължително. По същия начин той не трябва да разказва истории, които смята, че са ценни (за разказване), без да е проверил (тяхната достоверност) и не трябва да разказва истории, за който е наясно, че са фалшиви, защото това е нещо нечестно и заблуждава хората.

Разпространяването на дауа-послания и писма, които съдържат правилата на шариата, или проповядването и полезните истории са важно средство на добротворството, защото много хора ги получават и е лесно да им бъдат изпращани. Но трябва да сме сигурни, че съдържанието е коректно и че ахадисите, които се съдържат в тях са сахеех (коректни), защото някои хора злоупотребяват с това велико благословение (на лесното общуване) и разпространяват фалшиви ахадиси и лъжливи истории.

На никого не е позволено да казва: „Пратеникът на Аллах (мирът и благословията на Аллах да бъдат над него) каза…“, когато знае, че този хадис е маудоо‘ (фалшив) или лъжлив. Пророкът (мирът и благословията на Аллах да бъдат над него) е казал: „Който говори лъжи за мен умишлено, нека да заеме мястото си в ада“… Хараам е да се разказва фалшив хадис за човек, който знае, че той е фалшив или си мисли, че най-вероятно е фалшив. Ако някой разказва хадис, за който е наясно или си мисли, че най-вероятно е изфабрикуван и не изясни, че е изфабрикуван, тогава той попада под това предупреждение и спада към онези, които говорят лъжи за Пратеника на Аллах (мирът и благословията на Аллах да бъдат него).


Даиф (слаби) хадиси

Слабите хадиси нямат голяма стойност при формулирането на шариата (т.е. ислямските закони и обичаи), защото не влизат в сборниците на достоверните (сахих) хадиси - Кутуб-ус- Ситте.[3] Шариата е формирана главно от сахих(достоверни) хадиси, но единствено когато даден казус не е ясно изяснен,не е изяснен изобщо или не противоречи на достоверен хадис, тогава се приема информацията от слабите хадиси. В слабите хадиси има до 66-75% достоверност.

Търсенето на знания е дълг за всеки мюсюлманин

Долният хадис е класифициран от мнозина като даиф (слаб).

Този хадис има много вериги на разказване от името на повече от дузина Сподвижнци, включително двадесет Приемници, очевидно разказващи единствено от Анс. Те са събрани от Ибн Маджа, Ал-Бахихаки, Ал-Табарани и други, но всички те са даиф според Ахмад бин Ханбал, Исхак бин Раууай, Ибн Абд ал-Барр и други, въпреки че някои учени са удостоверили някои от веригите. Ал-Байхаки казва, че неговият текст е машур, докато неговият иснад е даиф, а Ал-Хаким и Ибн ал-Салах го разглежда като нагледен пример за машур хадис, който не е сахих . Въпреки това той се разглежда от по-късните учени като хадис, който има достатъчно вериги на разказване, за да бъде подсилен до новото на хасан или сахих, като тази гледна точка се споделя от Ал-Миззи, Ал-Ираки, Ал-Суюти и Ал-Албани.[4]
Кашф ал-Хафа, номер 1665: Сахих ал-Джами ал-Сагир, номер 3913-4

Слаб или не, познанието, за което говори този разказ се отнася за познаването на ислямския шариат, а не познанието по принцип.

Под „знание“ тук имаме предвид познаването на шариата (ислямското познание). Ал-Таури е казал: „Това е знанието, за което никой човек няма извинение, че не го познава“. И Аллах знае най-добре.[5]

Една жена поправя Умар

Долният хадис, в който Умар се опитва да ограничи махр (букв. – плащане за невеста, зестра), понякога бива използван в подкрепа на твърдението, че жените са били политически и социално активни в ранните ислямски общества.

Умар ибн ал-Хаттаб… заяви, че ако някой плаща като зестра повече отколкото Пророка (мир нему) е плащал, той следва да сложи излишната сума в държавната хазна. Една жена от кураишите дойде при него и му каза: „О, Предводителю на вярващите, Книгата на Аллах ли има повече право да бъде следвана или твоето изявление?“ Той рече: „Книгата на Аллах“. Тогава тя му каза: „Ти току-що забрани на народа да дава по-големи суми като зестра, но Аллах е казал в Своята Книга: И ако сте дали голяма сума злато като зестра на първата, не взимайте нищо обратно от него! [4:20]” Тогава ‘Умар каза два или три пъти: „Всеки разбира повече от ‘Умар“ [Други разкази казват: „Жената е права, а ‘Умар греши“ – бел.] Тогава той се качи обратно на амвона и каза: „О, народе, аз по-рано ви забраних да бъдете разточителни със зестрата за жените. Истина е – мъжът може да прави всичко, което намери за добре със своето богатство.“[6]

Този хадис е класифициран като даиф (слаб). Той също така влиза в противоречие с достоверен хадис, където се казва, че всъщност Умар е ограничил излишните разходи за махр.

Тази история е разказана както от Ал-Байхаки в Сунан ал-Кубра, така и от Абдул Раззак в Ал-Муссанаф. Веригите и на Ал-Байхаки, и на Абдул Раззак са слаби. Всъщност Ал-Байхаки уточнява, че веригата е повредена. [Абу Бакр ал-Байхаки, Сунан ал Кубра, Бейрут, Дар ал-Фикр, няма дата, том 7, стр. 233].

В крайна сметка Ал-Байхаки изглежда е предпочитал друг разказ от Умар, който е записал непосредствено преди горната история. В този разказ се казва, че Умар е възнамерявал да наложи ограничения върху зестрите за жените, докато не прочел стиха „голяма сума злато като зестра“. Тълкувайки този разказ, Ал-Байхаки казва: „Това е добра мурсал верига.“ [Бел.: „мурсал“ означава, че връзката между Умар и онзи, който е предал разказа от него, е повредена.]

Ал-Албани посочва, че веригите на Ал-Байхаки и Абдул Раззак са слаби, не само защото са повредени, но също така съдържат и слаби разказвачи, което още повече отслабва техните вериги. Следователно, той стига до заключение, че този разказ от Умар ибн ал-Хаттаб определено е слаб. [Бел.: Мухаммад Насир ал-дин ал-Албани, Ируа ал-Галил фи Тахридж Ахадит Манар ал-Сабеел Бейрут, ал-Мактаб ал-Ислами, 1979, том 6, стр. 347.] В действителност е потвърдено от автентичен хадис, записан от Абу Дауд, Ал-Насаи, Ал-Тирмизи и други, че Умар ибн ал-Хаттаб всъщност е посъветвал хората да не са разточителни, когато стане въпрос за плащане на зестра.

В крайна сметка горната случка от времето на Умар ибн ал-Хаттаб бива цитирана от много хора днес, за да покажат, че жените са взимали участие в политиката и другите дейности по времето на Сподвижниците. Те са имали активна роля в обществото и както се изрази в наши дни един говорител, те са взимали участие в „заседанията на съвета“ (!), провеждани в джамията в онези времена. Оттук се преминава към призиви жените да заемат много по-привлекателни роли в обществото и да не се задоволяват да си стоят у дома, да бъдат добри съпруги и майки. Те казват, че това не е било обичай по време на Сподвижниците, както този случай от времето на ‘Умар ибн ал-Хаттаб ясно го показва. Очевидно е, че за да се използва подобна случка като доказателство, първо следва да се докаже достоверността на разказа. В нашия случай това не е възможно и затова тази история не може да бъде използвана като доказателство. [6]

Който тормози някого от зимми (дхимми)-населението ще бъде враг на Аллах

Този хадис е класифициран като даиф (слаб).

Разказано е, че Пророкът (мирът и благословията на Аллах да бъдат над него) е казал: „Който тормози някой зимми (християнин или юдеин, който живее под ислямското право), на него Аллах ще бъде враг в Деня на Възкресението“ или „Аз ще бъда негов враг в Деня на Възкресението“. Това е даееф (слаб) (разказ). За него се знае единствено, че е казал: „Който убие муаахид (член на каафир народ, който има мирно споразумение с мюсюлманите) без законно основание, няма да помирише аромата на Рая.“[7]

Коментар: Не става ясно, какво се има предвид под думата - тормоз. Според достовените хадиси и Корана, джизя към немюсюлманите живеещи сред мюсюлмани е ислямска милост или тормоз? Информацията може да намерите тук - Джизя

Който се отнася зле със своите подчинени никога няма да влезе в Рая

Абу Бакр ас-Сиддик разказва, че Пратеникът на Аллах е казал: „Коварен човек, скъперник и този, който се отнася зле с онези, които са под негова власт, няма да влязат в Рая“.

Този цитат е включен в колекцията с хадиси Булуг ал-Марам, която го отнася към Тирмизи и нарича веригата от разказвачи слаба[8]

Аиша никога не е виждала интимните части на Мухаммад

Този хадис е класифициран като даиф (слаб). Той също така противоречи на разказите, които са преминали през множество иснади, които са както сахих, така и мутауатир– най-високото ниво на достоверност в класификацията на хадисите.

Разказано е от един освободен роб на Аиша, че е казала: „Никога не съм поглеждала (или никога не съм виждала) интимните части на Пратеника на Аллах.“ (Даиф) (Един от разказвачите) Абу Бакр (ибн Абу Шайба) е казал: „Абу Нуаим би казал: „(От) една освободена робиня на Аиша.“[9]
Сунан Ибн Маджа, Книга 1, Хадис 707

Отбягвайте законните наказания, доколкото е възможно

Този хадис е класифициран като даиф (слаб). Той също така влиза в противоречие с автентичните хадиси, в които Мухаммад заявява, че дори и собствената му дъщеря да открадне, той би „отрязал ръката ѝ“.[10]

Разказано е от Абу Хурайра, че Пратеникът на Аллах е казал: „Отбягвайте законните наказания, доколкото е възможно“.

Клас: Да‘иф (Даруссалам).[11]

Мауду (фалшиви, изфабрикувани) хадиси

Изфабрикуваните разкази въобще не се смятат за хадиси.[12]


Lesser vs Greater Jihad

The following story originated from the 11th century and does not appear in any of the famous hadith collections (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Dawud, al-Sughra, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah):

We were told by Layth, on the authority of 'Ata', on the authority of Abu Rabah, on the authority of Jabir, who said, 'The Prophet (salallaahu 'alayhee wa sallam) returned from one of his battles, and thereupon told us, 'You have arrived with an excellent arrival, you have come from the Lesser Jihad to the Greater Jihad - the striving of a servant (of Allah) against his desires.'[13]

This hadith has been classed as maudu (fabricated) and also goes against the Qur'an and sahih hadith.

Dr. Abdullah Azzam:

[It] is in fact a false, fabricated hadith which has no basis. It is only a saying of Ibrahim Ibn Abi `Abalah, one of the Successors, and it contradicts textual evidence and reality... The word "jihad", when mentioned on its own, only means combat with weapons, as was mentioned by Ibn Rushd, and upon this the four Imams have agreed.[14]

Ibn Taymiyyah (also known as Shaykh ul-Islam):

There is a Hadith related by a group of people which states that the Prophet [peace be upon him] said after the battle of Tabuk: 'We have returned from Jihad Asghar [lesser jihad] to Jihad Akbar [greater jihad].' This hadith has no source, nobody whomsoever in the field of Islamic Knowledge has narrated it. Jihad against the disbelievers is the most noble of actions, and moreover it is the most important action for the sake of mankind.[15]

Ibn Baaz:


Is Jihad in the way of Allah the same level regardless of whether it is with one's life, wealth , or supplication , even if somebody is capable of the type that involves one's life?


There are different kinds of jihad - with one's self, wealth, supplication, teaching, giving guidance, or helping others in good in any form.The highest form of jihad, however, is with one's life (the intent here is not suicide, for that is forbidden in Islam), then comes Jihad with one's wealth and jihad with teaching and guidance, and in this way Da'wah is a form of jihad, but jihad with one's life is the highest form.
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz, Fatawa Islamiyah Vol:8 p. 24

Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalani:

This saying is widespread and it is a saying by Ibrahim ibn Ablah according to Nisa'i in al-Kuna. Ghazali mentions it in the Ihya' and al-`Iraqi said that Bayhaqi related it on the authority of Jabir and said: There is weakness in its chain of transmission.[16]
Hajar al Asqalani, Tasdid al-qaws, see also Kashf al-Khafaa’ (no.1362)

Al Bayhaqi:

Its chain of narration is weak. Ibn Hajr said that this was a saying of Ibraaheem bin Abee Ablah, a Taabi’ee, and not a Ahaadeeth of the Messenger (SAW).[4][17]
Hajar ibn al Asqalani ’Kashf al-Khafaa’ (no.1362)

The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the Martyr

This hadith has been classed as maudu (fabricated).

Mentioned by al-Manjaniqi is his collection of ahadith of older narrators reporting from younger ones, on the authority of al-Hasan al-Basri. Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi said that it is maudu as a narration from the Prophet (s.a.w), but that is a statement of al-Hasan al-Basri.[4]
Kashf al-Khafa, no. 2276
Related by Khateeb in The History of Baghdad 2/193. He also said it was a fabricated hadith.

The above-mentioned fabricated hadith gives preference to the method of da'wah over jihad for spreading Islam. However, the best method for spreading Islam is jihad and not da'wah. Thus the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) spent thirteen years in Makkah giving da'wah and only approximately one hundred people embraced Islam. But when he (s.a.w) entered Makkah with military might and Shawka (power) two thousand took their Shahadah in one day.

The Mujahideen conquer lands and save the entire populace from entering Hell-fire by delivering Islam to them. This accomplishment is much greater than what books can do.

Also this fabricated hadith contradicts the Holy Qur'an:

Surah An Nisa verse 95:

"Not equal are those of the believers who sit at home(except those who are disabled by injury or are blind or lame), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and lives. Allah has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit at home."[18]
Shaikh Abdullah Faisal


Seek knowledge, even if you have to go to China

This hadith has been classed as maudu (fabricated).[19]


“Its text is famous, yet it is a weak hadith; it has been narrated by chains which are all entirely weak…” (Shu’ab al-Iman)[19]

Ibn al-Qaysarani:

“It contains Abu Atikah Tarif ibn Salman he is Rejected in hadith to the utmost (Munkar al Hadith jiddan)…” (Tadhkirat al-Huffadh)[19]

Ibn al-Jawzi:

“It is not authentic…” (al-Mawdu’at)[19]


Mentions Abu Atikah Tarif ibn Salman and those that disparaged him and this hadith in (MIzan al-’Itidal)[19]


“…it is weak…” (al-Maqasid al-Hasanah)[19]


“(It is) fabricated.” (Da’eef al-Jaami’ no. 906).[5]

Thinking for an hour is better than worshiping for sixty years

This hadith has been classed as maudu (fabricated).

Hadith 20

To think for an hour is better than to be engaged in worship for a period of sixty years.

Classified fabricated by Ibn Jawzee.[18]

However, there are sahih hadith that state:

Standing for an hour in the ranks of battle is better than standing in prayer for sixty years.
Saheeh related by Ibn Ade and Ibn Asakir from Abu Hurayrah 4/6165. Sahih al Jaami as Sagheer no. 4305
A morning or evening spent in the path of Allah is better than the world and all it contains.
Saheeh al Bukhari 4/50 , agreed upon

The one who knows himself, knows his Lord

This hadith has been classed as maudu (fabricated).

As-Sakhaawee said, "Abu al-Mudhaffar as-Sama’aanee said, ‘this is not known as a hadeeth of the Messenger, rather it is only related as a saying of Yahya bin Mu’aadh ar-Raazee.’ And likewise an-Nawawee said, ‘it is not established’" [‘al-Maqaasid al-Hasanah’ (pg. 491 no.1149)]

As-Suyutee said, "this hadeeth is not authentic" [‘Haawee lil Fataawee’ (2/351)]

Alee al-Qaaree quoted from ibn Taymiyyah saying, "fabricated" [‘al-Asraar al-Marfoo’ah’ (pg. 83)]

Al-Allaamaa Fairozabaadee said, "this is not from the Prophetic ahaadeeth, despite the fact that the majority of people make it so, and it is not authentic at all. It is only related from the Jewish traditions as ‘O mankind! Know yourself and you will know your Lord’" [‘ar-Radd alaa al-Mu’tarideen’ (2/37)]

Al-Albaanee says, "it has no basis" [‘Silsilah ad-Da’eefah’ (1/165 no.66)][20]

Allah has not made anything more precious than human intellect

This hadith has been classified as fabricated by Al Dhahabi.[21]

When Allah Created the Aql (human intellect) He Commanded it by saying “Come” and it went to Allah. He then said to it “Retreat” and it retreated. So He Said, “By My Glory and Majesty, I have not Created anything more precious than thee.”


Muhammad and his Jewish neighbor

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had a jewish neighbor who used to throw trash at his door every day. He remained patient and did not do anything. One day he noticed that there was no trash at his door, so he went to check on his neighbor who turned out to be sick. She asked him how did he know that she was sick and he said because there was no trash at his door that day, so the woman was so touched that she accepted Islam.[22]

This hadith has been classed as maudu (fabricated). It is not present in any Islamic texts, nor is it mentioned by any scholars of the past.

Authenticity: Fabricated (Not Authentic)

Reference: This hadith is not found in any of the books of hadith.[22]

Muhammad's Farewell Sermon

The following rendition of Muhammad's 'Farewell Sermon', along with a second version, was for many years quoted on Wikipedia without a primary source.

It is quoted below, and consists of a loose synthesis by a modern author based on various hadiths, the sources of which are not entirely known. It has become popular due to including the lines from a hadith found in Musnad Ahmad (#22978, graded sahih by al-Albani[23])"an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action".

O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.

O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every *Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. God has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. God has judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn 'Abd'al Muttalib (Prophet's uncle) shall henceforth be waived...

Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under God's trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.

O People, listen to me in earnest, worship God, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

Remember, one day you will appear before God and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my Ahl al-Bayt and if you follow these you will never go astray.

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O God, that I have conveyed your message to your people

S.F.H. Faizi, an Indian, later Pakistani, Islamist is the author of "Sermons of the Prophet", the 1987 book[24] which first rendered this version of the sermon (in the 1991 edition, it can be found on p. 145).[25]

He gets us as close to a source as he could when he describes in the introduction how he translated and published a collection of obscure writings into English:

This book is a collection of some of the selected sermons of the Holy Prophet which include long as well short ones as the situation demanded. They were not available in the form of Khutbas but have been derived from various books of Ahadith and history. It is only recently that some of these have appeared in book-forms along with original texts and translation in Urdu; but the authenticity of the texts thereof is still doubted by ulema. On English language, they are hardly available. So an attempt has been made not only to have them translated in English but also to find out circumstances under which they were delivered so that their delivery date could be ascertained and an elucidation made thereof. How far I have succeeded in my undertaking rests to be adjudged by the readers. Any suggestion or comment shall, however be welcomed to improve upon it.

In summation, Faizi “derived” this version of the sermon from various unnamed books not accepted by the ulema (scholarly Muslim clerics). He does not know the original sources, but welcomes readers to help in his search.

Hadith references which are often cited as sources for this fraudulent sermon, once checked, are either misrepresented (i.e. they have nothing to say on the sermon)[26] or in fact refer to the sermon that most fits al-Tabari's rendition with regard to beating women and so on.[27]

The following authentic version is taken from al-Tabari, Vol IX, and it's important to note that it is in perfect agreement with the Qur'anic order of wife-beating in Коран 4:34. Attempts to add this authentic version next to the other two at Wikipedia, had been met with resistance.[28]

O people, listen to my words. I do not know whether I shall ever meet you again in this place after this year. O people, your blood and your property are sacrosanct until you meet your Lord, just as this day and this month of yours are sacred. Surely you will meet your Lord and He will question you about your deeds. I have [already] made this known. Let he who has a pledge return it to the one who entrusted him with it; all usury is abolished, but your capital belongs to you. Wrong not and you shall not be wronged. Allah has decreed that there will be no usury, and the usury of Abbas b. Abd al-Muttalib is abolished, all of it. All blood shed in the pre-Islamic days is to be left unavenged. The first such claim I revoke is that of Ibn Rabiah b. al-Harith b. Abd al-Muttalib, who was nursed among the Banu Layth and was slain by the Banu Hudhayl. His is the first blood shed in the pre-Islamic days with which I shall set an example. O people, indeed Satan despairs of ever being worshipped in this land of yours. He will be pleased, however, if he is obeyed in a thing other than that, in matters you minimize. So beware of him in your religion, O people, intercalculating a month is an increase in unbelief whereby the unbelievers go astray; one year they make it profane, and hallow it another [in order] to agree with the number that Allah has hallowed, and so profane what Allah has hallowed, and hallow what Allah has made profane. Time has completed its cycle [and is] as it was on the day that Allah created the heavens and the earth. The number of the months with Allah is twelve; [they were] in the Book of Allah on the day He created the heavens and the earth. Four of them are sacred, the three consecutive [months] and the Rajab [which is the month of] Mudar, which is between Jumada and Sha’ban.

Now then, O people, you have a right over your wives and they have a right over you. You have [the right] that they should not cause anyone of whom you dislike to tread on your beds; and that they should not commit any open indecency. If they do, then Allah permits you to shut them in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain from [evil], they have the right to their food and clothing in accordance with the custom. Treat women well, for they are [like] domestic animals with you and do not possess anything for themselves. You have taken them only as a trust from Allah, and you have made the enjoyment of their persons lawful by the word of Allah, so understand and listen to my words, O people. I have conveyed the Message, and have left you with something which, if you hold fast to it, you will never go astray; that is, the Book of Allah and the sunnah of his Prophet. Listen to my words, O people, for I have conveyed the Message and understand [it]. Know for certain that every Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, and that all Muslims are brethren. It is not lawful for a person [to take] from his brother except that which he has given him willingly, so do not wrong yourselves. O Allah, have I not conveyed the message?

Differences of opinion among my ummah is a mercy

This hadith has been classed as maudu (fabricated).

Praise be to Allaah.

This hadeeth is mawdoo’ (fabricated).

See al-Asraar al-Marfoo’ah, 506; Tanzeeh al-Sharee’ah, 2/402; al-Silsilah al-Da’eefah, 11.[29]
Laa Asla Lahu (Baseless). The muhadditheen have tried to find an isnaad for it but have not found one, to the extent that Suyooti said in his al-Jaami` as-Sagheer, "Perhaps it was collected in one of the books of the huffaadh which did not reach us"!

This suggestion is very far-fetched, since it would mean that some of the sayings of the Prophet (sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam) have been lost to the ummah forever, something which is not permissible for a Muslim to believe.

Manaawi quoted Subki as saying, "It (i.e. the saying) is not known to the muhadditheen and I cannot find any isnaad for it, whether saheeh, da`eef or mawdoo`", and this was endorsed by Shaykh Zakareeyyah al-Ansaari in his notes on Tafseer al-Baidaawi [92/2].

Further, the meaning of this hadeeth is also incorrect as shown by the verifying scholars, hence Ibn Hazm says in al-Ihkaam fi Usool al-Ahkaam [5/64] after indicating that it is not a hadeeth,

"This is one of the most incorrect sayings possible, since if ikhtilaaf were a mercy, then agreement would be a punishment, something which no Muslim would say, because there can only be agreement or disagreement, and there can only be mercy or punishment."[30]
Shaykh al-Albaani, Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth ad-Da`eefah wa'l-Mawdoo`ah (58-62)

Kindness is a mark of faith

Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.

Some Islamic websites (and memes) claim this hadith is from the collection of Sahih Muslim,[31] but they never show the number of the hadith. The fact is that this hadith simply doesn't exist.[32]

Treatment of women

The Prophet said: 'None but a noble man treats women in an honorable manner, and none but an ignoble treats women disgracefully.' (Sunan At-Tirmidhi)

The cited book of Tirmidhi does not contain the above hadith, which has been dubbed as fabricated.[33] Yet this quote is widely circulated across Islamic propaganda sites and ebooks.

The most excellent actions

“What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of human beings, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the sufferings of the injured.” (Bukhari)

Islamic websites attribute this hadith to Muhammad and widely publicize it. Lindsay Lohan, who has shown a lot of interest in Islam in recent years, also believes in it.[34] Unfortunately for them, this quote is not present in Bukhari or in fact any of the most reliable hadith collections.

Wealth and Love

When a husband and wife look at each other with love, Allah looks at both with mercy

This hadith has been classed as maudu (fabricated). Like the Farewell Sermon, some have attributed false sources to this, saying it is found in Bukhari (No. 6:19) and Tirmidhi (No. 14:79). It is found in neither, but can be found in Silsilatu Al-Ahaadeeth Ad-Daeefa wa Al-Mawdu’a (No. 3274) of Imaam Al-Albani, where he said:

Verily when a man looks at his wife and she looks at him, Allaah will look at them both with glance of Mercy, when he takes her hand their sins will be wiped away thru their fingers” (This is) fabricated, reported by Ar-Raafi’iy in his Taarikh (2/47) commenting on Maysara bin ‘Aliy in his Mashaykha with its chain of narration from Al-Hussain bin Mu’aadh Al-Khurasaaniy who narrated from Ismaa’eel bin Yahya At-Taymiy from Mis’ar bin Kidaam from Al-‘Awfiy from Abiy Sa’eed Al-Khudriy who said: The messenger of Allaah peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him: and the he mentioned the hadeeth: I say (regarding this hadeeth): This is fabricated, damaged by this At-Taymiy, he is known to fabricate ahadeeth and he has false and troublesome narrations which some of it were already mentioned, and Husain bin Mu’aadh is almost like him, Al-Khateeb said (regarding him): He is not trustworthy and his hadeeth is fabricated.[35]

Marry and do not divorce

This hadith is classified as maudu by Ibn Jawzi.[21]

Marry and do not divorce for verily Allah’s Throne shakes whenever a divorce occurs.

Poverty is my pride, and do favors for the poor

Several hadith concerning the poor have been classed as maudu (fabricated).

They report that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Do favours for the poor, for tomorrow they will have authority, and what authority!” and, “Poverty is my pride and I boast of it.” Both of these are lies and are not known in any way in the well known books of the Muslims.
. . .
They report that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “The poor will sit down on the Day of Resurrection, and [Allaah] will say, ‘By My Glory and Majesty, I did not deprive you of worldly things because you are insignificant. Rather I wanted to raise your status on this Day. Go to the place where the people are standing, and whoever gave you a piece of bread, or water to drink, or clothes to wear, take him to Paradise .’” The shaykh said: this report is a lie which was not narrated by any of the scholars of hadeeth. It is baatil (false) and goes against the Qur’aan and Sunnah and scholarly consensus (ijmaa’).[7]

To love your country is a part of Iman (your faith)

This hadith has been classed as maudu (fabricated).

Hadith 43

To love your country is a part of Iman.

Classified fabricated by Saghaani.[18]

A stingy person shall never be allowed to enter Paradise

This hadith has been classed as maudu (fabricated).

Hadith 67

Allah has sworn that He shall never allow a stingy person to enter the Paradise.

Related by Ibn Asaakir and classified fabricated by ad-Daar Qutnee who said a liar was found in the chain of transmitters by the name of Muhammad Ibn Zakaria Al Ghulaabi.[18]

Muhammad's parents brought to life so they could go to heaven

According to sahih narrations, Muhammad's parents, and even his supportive uncle,[36] are in eternal hell-fire. Anything to the contrary (i.e. claims that they were brought back to life so they could die as Muslims and go to heaven) have been classed as fabricated or very weak.

There is no saheeh hadeeth which says that Allaah, may He be exalted, brought the parents of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) back to life, and that they believed in him then died. Rather the saheeh ahaadeeth that have been narrated indicated that they died in kufr and that they are among the people of Hell.[37]
This view [that the parents of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) will be saved (from Hell), and that Allaah brought them back to life after they had died and they believed in him] was rejected by the majority of scholars who ruled that the ahaadeeth which indicate that are fabricated (mawdoo’) or very weak (da’eef jiddan).

It says in ‘Awn al-Ma’bood:

Most of the reports that been narrated to the effect that the parents of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) were brought back to life and believed in him and were saved are fabricated and false. Some of them are very weak and cannot be saheeh under any circumstances, as the imams of hadeeth are unanimously agreed that they are fabricated, such as al-Daaraqutni, al-Jawzaqaani, Ibn Shaheen, al-Khateeb, Ibn ‘Asaakir, Ibn Naasir, Ibn al-Jawzi, al-Suhayli, al-Qurtubi, al-Muhibb, al-Tabari, Fath al-Deen ibn Sayyid al-Naas, Ibraaheem al-Halabi and others. The scholar Ibraaheem al-Halabi explained at length the fact that the parents of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) have not been saved from Hell in a separate essay, as did ‘Ali al-Qaari in Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar and in a separate essay. The basis for this opinion is the soundness of this hadeeth (“My father and your father are in Hell”). Shaykh Jalaal al-Deen al-Suyooti differed from the huffaaz and scholars and affirmed that they had believed and had been saved, and he wrote numerous essays on that topic, including al-Ta’zeem wa’l-Minnah fi anna Abaway Rasool-Illaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fi’l-Jannah.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked: Is there any saheeh report from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that Allaah brought his parents back to life so that they could become Muslims, then they died (again) after that?

He replied: There is no saheeh report to that effect from the scholars of hadeeth. Rather the scholars are agreed that this is an invented lie… There is no dispute among the scholars that this is one of the most obvious of fabrications, as was stated by those who have knowledge. That does not appear in any of the reliable books of hadeeth, either in the Saheehs or the Sunans or the Musnads or any other well-known books of hadeeth. It was not mentioned by the authors of the books of Maghaazi or Tafseer, even though they narrated da’eef (weak) reports along with saheeh (sound) ones. The fact that this is a lie is clear to any one who has any knowledge of religion. If such a thing had happened there would have been a great deal of motivation to transmit it, because it is something that is extraordinary on two counts: the raising of the dead and believing after death. Such a thing would have been more deserving of being transmitted than anything else. Since no trustworthy narrated transmitted it, it may be understood that this is a lie.

Moreover, this goes against the Qur’aan and the saheeh Sunnah, and the consensus of the scholars. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Allaah accepts only the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and foolishness and repent soon afterwards; it is they whom Allaah will forgive and Allaah is Ever All‑Knower, All‑Wise.

18. And of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil deeds until death faces one of them and he says: ‘Now I repent;’ nor of those who die while they are disbelievers”

[al-Nisa’ 4:17-18]

So Allaah states that there is no repentance for one who dies as a disbeliever. And Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Then their Faith (in Islamic Monotheism) could not avail them when they saw Our punishment. (Like) this has been the way of Allaah in dealing with His slaves. And there the disbelievers lost utterly (when Our Torment covered them)”

[Ghaafir 40:85]

So He tells us that the way in which He deals with His slaves is that faith will be to no avail once they have seen the punishment, so how about after death? And there are other similar texts. Then he quoted the two hadeeth which we quoted at the beginning of our answer.

Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 4/325-327.[38]

Шаблон:Core Propaganda


The Sun is always setting and rising

Dr Zagloul el-Naggar is an author who writes about alleged science in the Qur'an. He is a well known liar and fabricator[39]. One such fabrication propogated by el-Naggar is the following hadith:

Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet was asked: "Where does the sun set, and where does it rise from? The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) answered, "It is going in a (nonstop) regular motion; it does not cease or disappear. It sets in one place and rises in another, and sets in another place and rises elsewhere and so on. So, some people would say the sun has set and others would say it has just risen (at the same moment)."
Dr Zaghlul el-Naggar, Treasures of the Sunnah: A Scientific Approach - Part Two, p.9

The IslamQA website has confirmed that this is a fabricated hadith based on the Arabic wording and because Abu Ishaq al-Hamadhani is not known to have compiled any book of sunnah[40].

This and similar hadiths are a common attempt by Muslim apologists to try and dodge some gross scientific errors about the sun that Muhammad used to preach.

Mistranslated Hadiths

Have mercy on other creatures

Allah will not give mercy to anyone, except those who give mercy to other creatures.
"Abdullah b. Amr: Abu Dawud & Tirmidhi"

Apologists quote this hadith to assert that Islam preaches mercy for all creatures. The Jami at-Tirmidhi collection mentions this hadith (number 1922) but it says "people" instead of "creatures." This hadith is not found anywhere in the collection of Abu Dawud.

'Aisha reached puberty before consumating her marriage

'Aisha lived with her parents before her marriage to Muhammad was consumated at the age of 9. The following mistranslation is used to claim she reached puberty while she still lived there.

Narrated `Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet) I had seen my parents following Islam since I attained the age of puberty. Not a day passed but the Prophet (ﷺ) visited us, both in the mornings and evenings...

The word أَعْقِلْ means thoughts or reasoning, but the translator Muhsin Khan has used the word 'puberty'. The meaning rather is simply that 'Aisha was aware that her parents were following Islam. A literal translation would be "I was not aware of my parents other than that the two of them both acknowledged the religion".

The exact same Arabic phrase is translated as follows in another hadith by the same translator:

Narrated Aisha: (wife of the Prophet) Since I reached the age when I could remember things, I have seen my parents worshipping according to the right faith of Islam. Not a single day passed but Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) visited us both in the morning and in the evening...

Misquoted hadith

It was narrated that 'Amr bin Sharid said: "I heard Sharid say: 'I heard the Messenger of Allah say: Whoever kills a small bird for no reason, it will beseech Allah on the Day of Resurrection saying: O Lord, so and so killed me for no reason. And he did not kill me for any beneficial purpose." (Hasan)

Muslim propagandists and even Sufis quote this hadith without the highlighted part, obviously because it may imply that birds don't mind getting killed for some beneficial purpose.

See Also

  • Lists - Страница, която води до други статии, свързани с Lists
  • Hadith - Страница, която води до други статии, свързани с Hadith


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  1. Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen, As-Sahwah al-Islaamiyyah, Question 5 [Narrating Unverified Stories In The Path Of Da'wah], Page 105, May 2, 2005
  2. "He sent a hadeeth in order to spread good, then he found out that it is a fabricated hadeeth. What should he do?", Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 66273, accessed March 16, 2014 (archived), http://islamqa.info/en/66273. 
  3. Muzammil Siddiqi, "May People Act According to a Weak Hadith?", Islam Online, Fatwa Bank, September 27, 2003 (archived from the original), http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=https%3A%2F%2Fweb.archive.org%2Fweb%2F20061216005731%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.islamonline.net%2Fservlet%2FSatellite%3Fpagename%3DIslamOnline-English-Ask_Scholar%2FFatwaE%2FFatwaE%26cid%3D1119503547442&date=2014-03-15. 
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 Dr. Suhaib Hassan, "The Science of Hadith", TheReligionIslam, accessed November 20, 2011 (archived), http://www.thereligionislam.com/islamicideology/scienceofhadith.htm. 
  5. 5,0 5,1 Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, "“Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China” is a false hadeeth", Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 13637, accessed February 2, 2012 (archived), http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/13637/fabricated%2520hadeeth. 
  6. 6,0 6,1 "Da'eef (Weak) No:32 The Story of 'Umar Being Corrected by a Woman", aAllaahuakbar.net, accessed August 23, 2011 (archived from the original), http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=https%3A%2F%2Fweb.archive.org%2Fweb%2F20110823032951%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.aallaahuakbar.net%2Fahaadeeth%2F32.htm&date=2014-03-16. 
  7. 7,0 7,1 "Ibn Taymiyyah Refutes Many Sufi Weak & Fabricated Hadiths", IslamicEmirate, (from: Al-Fataawa al-Kubra, 5/88-93), accessed November 20, 2011 (archived), http://www.islamicemirate.com/articles/hadith/2019-ibn-taymiyyah-refutes-many-sufi-weak-aamp-fabricated-hadiths.html. 
  8. al-Asqalani, Ibn Hajr. Bulugh al-Maram. IV. Hadith 1551. IslamKotob, Dar al-Manarah (El-Mansoura, Egypt). Published in 2003. p. 557.
  9. Sunan Ibn Majah, "The Book of Purification and its Sunnah - كتاب الطهارة وسننها", Sunnah.com, English ref: Vol. 1, Book 1, Hadith 662, Arabic ref: Book 1, Hadith 707, accessed June 30, 2013 (archived), http://sunnah.com/urn/1256610. 
  10. Sunan Ibn Majah, "The Chapters on Legal Punishments - كتاب الحدود", Sunnah.com, English ref: Vol. 3, Book 20, Hadith 2547, Arabic ref: Book 20, Hadith 2644, accessed March 28, 2014 (archived), http://sunnah.com/urn/1268640. 
  11. Sunan Ibn Majah, "The Chapters on Legal Punishments - كتاب الحدود", Sunnah.com, English ref: Vol. 3, Book 20, Hadith 2545, Arabic ref: Book 20, Hadith 2642, accessed March 28, 2014 (archived), http://sunnah.com/urn/1268620. 
  12. Ibrahim B. Syed, "52 Weak Ahadith", Islamic Research Foundation International, accessed November 20, 2011 (archived), http://www.irfi.org/articles/articles_251_300/52_weak_ahadith.htm. 
  13. Fayd al-Qadir vol.4 pg. 511
  14. Imam Abdullah Azzam, "Join the Caravan: Conclusion", Religioscope (originally from al-haqq.org), December 2001 (archived), http://www.religioscope.com/info/doc/jihad/azzam_caravan_6_conclusion.htm. 
  15. Ibn Taymiyyah, "Al Furqan", pp. 44-45
  16. Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, "Jihad Al Akbar", As-Sunnah Foundation of America, (from: "Islamic Beliefs and Doctrine According to Ahl al-Sunna: A Repudiation of "Salafi" Innovations"), accessed November 20, 2011 (archived), http://www.sunnah.org/tasawwuf/jihad004.html. 
  17. "Be Aware - Da'eef (weak), mawdoo’ (fabricated) hadeeth", World of Islam Portal, May 10, 2008 (archived), http://islam.worldofislam.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=729:qwe-have-returned-from-the-lesser-jihad-to-the-greater-jihad-jihad-un-nafs-jihad-ul-akbarq&catid=129&Itemid=63. 
  18. 18,0 18,1 18,2 18,3 Shaikh Abdullah Faisal, "100 Fabricated Hadiths", Darul Islam Publishers, 2000 (archived), http://www.missionislam.com/knowledge/books/100FabricatedHadith.pdf. 
  19. 19,0 19,1 19,2 19,3 19,4 19,5 Moulana Qamruz Zaman, "Maudu Hadith", MuftiSays, Question ID: 1196, December 6, 2005 (archived), http://www.muftisays.com/qa/question/1196/maudu-hadith.html. 
  20. "Mawdoo`(Fabricated) Hadeeth: No: 11 "The One who knows himself, knows his Lord"", aAllaahuakbar.net, accessed August 23, 2011 (archived from the original), http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=https%3A%2F%2Fweb.archive.org%2Fweb%2F20110823033430%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.aallaahuakbar.net%2Fahaadeeth%2F11.htm&date=2014-03-16. 
  21. 21,0 21,1 "00 Fabricated Hadiths", 2013 (archived), https://standup4islam.wordpress.com/2013/10/20/100-fabricated-hadiths/. 
  22. 22,0 22,1 "Neighbor who used to throw trash at the Prophet’s door", The Authentic Hadith Foundation, accessed November 17, 2012 (archived), http://authentichadithfoundation.org/neighbor-who-used-to-throw-trash-at-the-prophets-door/. 
  23. islamqa.info
  24. S. F. H. Faizi, Muḥammad (Prophet), "Sermons of the prophet", Islamic Book Foundation, ISBN 9789694241180, 1987, http://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Sermons_of_the_prophet.html?id=zvCLHAAACAAJ&redir_esc=y. 
  25. S. F. H. Faizi, Muhammad (Prophet), "Sermons of the prophet", Kitab Bhavan, ISBN 9788171511389, 1991, http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=nLplPQAACAAJ&source=gbs_book_other_versions. 
  26. See this blog post titled, "The Farewell Sermon", for more details.
  27. For example; this site lists al-Tirmidhi as one of the sources. However in Tirmidhi we find the farewell command to beat women, and that they are "like prisoners" in the hands of men. The same is found in the farewell sermon in Абу Дауд - 1900 (Ahmad Hasan Ref)(англ.)). It seems that Farzi has deliberately ommitted these words in the corresponding section of his version of the sermon. For further details, see: The Farewell Sermon/ Related Text
  28. After an April 2011 Wikipedia discussion concerning the lack of primary sources for the fraudulent sermons, they were finally removed from the site. But, as is often the case with Islam-related articles, the unreferenced material is constantly reinserted by Muslim editors.
  29. Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, "Is the hadeeth “Differences of opinion among my ummah is a mercy” saheeh?", Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 13623, accessed February 2, 2012 (archived), http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/13623/fabricated%2520hadeeth. 
  30. "The Weakness of the Ahaadeeth endorsing ikhtilaaf (disagreement, differing)", Qur'an and Sunnah Society of North America, (from: Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth ad-Da`eefah wa'l-Mawdoo`ah (58-62) by Shaykh al-Albaani), accessed February 2, 2012 (archived), http://www.qss.org/articles/salah/17.1.html#RTFToC1. 
  31. https://muslimvillage.com/2012/03/03/20138/words-of-wisdom-of-prophet-muhammad-pbuh/
  32. https://sunnah.com/search/?q=kindness+is+a+mark+of+faith
  33. http://hadithcheck.blogspot.in/2011/12/fabricated-none-but-noble-man-treats.html
  34. "Lindsay Lohan: “What actions are most excellent?"", Instagram (archived), https://www.instagram.com/p/BQJ7wepBh1E/. 
  35. Umm Abdulazeez, Abu AbdirRahmaan (Trans.), "Fabricated Hadeeth Warning", Talibatul `ilm, April 19, 2012 (archived), http://ummuabdulazeez.wordpress.com/2012/04/19/fabricated-hadeeth-warning/. 
  36. M. Muhsin Khan (Trans.), "Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 23 - Funerals (Al-Janaa'iz), Number 442", USC-MSA, Compendium of Muslim Texts, accessed November 20, 2011 (archived), http://www.cmje.org/religious-texts/hadith/bukhari/023-sbt.php#002.023.442. 
  37. "How sound is the hadeeth about the parents of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) being brought back to life?", Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 70297, accessed January 31, 2012 (archived), http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/70297/fabricated%2520hadeeth. 
  38. "Are the parents of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in Paradise or in Hell?", Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 47170, accessed June 8, 2011 (archived), http://islamqa.com/en/ref/47170/hell. 
  39. "Moroccan Students’ Questions Leave Islamic Scholar Speechless" (archived from the original), http://www.webcitation.org/6qGEFEOKm. 
  40. https://islamqa.info/en/145202